Dangerously Irrelevant Survey Results

Scott, over at Dangerously Irrelevant, released the data from a survey he conducted of teachers who blog. He has graciously provided a powerpoint and some excel files with the answers submitted by the 160 bloggers who participated (which is an impressive number, don’t you think?)

Among the findings is that most bloggers would NOT quit their jobs if they were offered a chance to blog full-time. I think this demonstrates that blogging is a reflective and connective tool, and not really just a place to write. Some of the other findings also seem to indicate this. I have grabbed one of Scott’s graphs because it succinctly shows the answers to an important question: why do you blog?

Notice how Learning and Community are near the top responses. Interesting.

One final note: Scott asked about RSS feeds and found that while one person had more than 500 feeds in their aggregator, the average was 89 feeds. That shows the power of collecting many voices and sifting through the information for valuable tools and ideas, which is something I do on a regular basis.

Thanks, Scott, for conducting this survey. The findings are, umm, relevant. 🙂
Peace (with graphs),

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