Negroponte, TED and the XO

This is an interesting video from the TED conference network on the XO Computer initiative. Nicholas Negroponte is very engaging in explaining how the XO laptops can be integrated into developing communities in ways that bring children into the spotlight.
I was playing around with my XO again yesterday because I set up a wireless system in my house (finally) and wanted to get it connected. It took a bit of figuring out, but when I was up and running, I did my first cross-country chat with another XO person (Mark) on the west coast. It was so easy and simple.

Peace (in the world),

One Comment
  1. Tēnā koe Kevin

    Interesting that the Ministry of Defence, not Ministry of Education, is behind the propagation of the OLPC. I often wonder, even about my own country, what motivates education authorities. What do they know, or think they know, that prevents them from making the obvious move to further education?

    Catchya later
    from Middle-earth

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