Checking out Pixton Comics

I keep exploring new comic sites, wondering about applications for the classroom. Here is one called Pixton, which does have an educational package that can be purchased (not yet sure if it is worth it) as well as a public site, where it seems content could get inappropriate.

It is not as initially easy to use as some others — such as Make Beliefs Comics or ToonDoo — but the potential for creating your own series of comics seems doable with Pixton. There are a wide range of characters and flexibility — you can use templated ideas from Pixton or build your own.

One thing I am intrigued by is the coming development of a tool there that will allow you to animate your comics. (see preview). I wonder how this will work.

Here is a comic I created yesterday in about 15 minutes:

Peace (in comics),

  1. I’ve used Make Beliefs in my class (most effectively when I had student fill in the thought bubbles in a panel about using “The N Word”), I’ll have to check out ToonDo and Pixton, too. Thanks for the tip!

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