Something Important with Days in a Sentence


Tracy, over at Leading from the Heart, is the guest host for this week’s Day in a Sentence. She asks us to consider something important — and the balance we need to strive for in our life — and reflect upon that with our sentence this week.

You are invited to join us.

What you do is mull over your week or a day in your week, and then boil down your thoughts into a single reflective sentence. Over at Tracy’s blog, you submit your sentence with the comment box and she will collect them all and then publish them over the weekend.

Come get connected with us!

Peace (in the days),

Me and Andrea and Billy Collins

Thanks to Aram for this quick video of me and my friend, Andrea, meeting Billy Collins in Philly. You can just make out me talking about the 30Poems in 30Days project.

Peace (in the connection),

Threading the Exquisite Corpse

This is an example of an ongoing story project called The Exquisite Corpse Adventure, in which a new author (John Scieszka started the whole thing and it has been picked by such writers as Susan Cooper, Kate DiCamillo, and Gregory Maguire) is writing a new chapter to a strange story every two weeks for an entire year.
We’ve been using the evolving story for writing inspiration — my students continue each chapter forward as informal writing prompts — and this week, following a chapter that features a baby on roller skates, Albert Einstein and a talking pig (among other things), we used a Voicethread to podcast some of the stories that follow the end of Episode Five. This was a voluntary endeavor, so they got to choose whether or not to share what they had written.

Peace (in the thread),