There’s Beauty in Brevity: Six Words from the #Nerdlution

Unlike Saturday, when encouraging folks to write haiku poetry was an impromptu thing, yesterday was a deliberate effort to encourage folks who are participating in the #nerdlution to write a six word memoir update on Twitter. You never know what to expect when you toss out a writing prompt, but it wasn’t long before the words were flowing. All through the day, more and more six word memoirs were published in the #nerdlution Twitter stream, and they were just beautiful examples of how teachers writing together can create a powerful experience.

Early on, I realized: I can’t just let these words go into the invisible ether of the Internet. So, I began grabbing the six word memoirs and put them into this (now quite large) Haiku Deck presentation, hoping to add a layer of imagery to the participants’ words, and showcase the writing. There are more than 50 six word stories here and each is a gem worth savoring over. I hope I did justice to everyone’s words and ideas.


Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

Peace (in the deck),

  1. This made my day. I’m trying to figure out if I can save it. It’s something I want to be able to return to again and again.

  2. What a great idea. I missed this on Twitter yesterday, but I’m looking forward to reading what everyone else wrote. Hmmm…and now I’m thinking about introducing this to my fourth graders to synthesize our Google 20% time that we will have tomorrow morning.

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