Reflecting on 2013: Life’s a Blur — Make a List

I don’t know about you, but the end of December rolls around and I realize that another year has skipped past me. If I don’t take time to reflect a bit, it’s all gone right out the window. Of course, one of the reasons I blog is to remember, to archive the thinking and reflection and experimentation that I dive into. This blog is a like a huge USB Memory Drive plugged into my head and heart. Ok. Enough sappy metaphors.

In the interest of using technology to share, I created a visual of the ten events that I want to remember from 2013 (I used a software program called Simple Diagrams) and then put the image on Flickr, and then moved it over to ThingLink, so that each image has a short bit of text with a link to the sites mentioned.

Peace (in the year),


  1. Hi Kevin, love the wrap-up, especially that you shared the ‘how-to’. There was lots going on this year, and although I do things a bit differently, I do like the idea of the capturing of my year, as you say, the people’s usb drive. Happy New Year!

  2. No, please, more sappy metaphors!

    What a great and proud list of things for you, hard to top being on Fox news! I greatly appreciated getting to know you through ds106; thanks for all of your participation this year

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