Drip Drop Drip

The #DS106 Daily Create assignment for yesterday was to capture a drip. I aimed the camera at our bathroom sink (which does not normally have a drop, thankfully) and then decided to do a collage of views. Capturing a single drip was more than my skills and camera could do. Or maybe I didn’t have the patience for it. Probably that.
Four views of a Drip

I really liked the heat-element one because it seems like a face staring up at you. Right? It has to do with my shadow in the reflection of the faucet. And the ears. It looks like a pet.
Drip face

Peace (in the drop),

  1. Terrific, Kevin, & yes it does look like an animal with very cute ears! Did you video it & then grab a still shot? I’m glad you shared, will try it!

  2. Hello, Kevin!

    Well, I like the face one. It looks like it would make a nice pet. Plus, it is colourful, which is always a nice thing if you are used to the black & white times, like me.

    Well, bye!

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