Slice of Life: The Overlooked Moments

(This is a post for Slice of Life, a writing challenge throughout March, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. We notice the small moments. You write, too.)

Night outside

In another writing space with National Writing Project colleagues (including Bonnie), our good friend Kim Doullard hosts a Photo Fridays feature, where she shares photos on a theme and asks us to keep our lens open for possibilities. This week’s theme is all about “the overlooked” moments. Last night as I was taking the dog out, I looked at the sky from our driveway and saw a plethora of colors in the night. The tree provides a nice frame, as does the stars in the sky, and the street/house lights give off yet another color.

It’s the perfect image for a visual slice of life, and Kim’s advice to notice the overlooked dovetails so nicely with our writing activities, of noticing those things we see all the time but now we see them in a slightly different light. Turn your head a bit. Squint your eyes. Reframe what you see. Notice the overlooked.

LATE ADD: This morning, when I went outside after writing, I saw this:
Morning sky

Peace (in the visual),

  1. I am inspired by your post Kevin! This is a beautiful image and the peacefulness of the moment was really captured. I could see using it in a piece of writing. The inspiration connects to my own picture taking…wondering what kinds of themes I have captured! Thank you!

  2. Beautiful! My eyes are always darting around looking for something ‘cool’ since now I have a camera on me all the time (my phone)

  3. I was watching a sky last night a bit like yours and thought about writing and taking a picture. I didn’t think the picture would work so I let it go. So glad you did take that picture.

  4. I can’t imagine overlooking that gorgeous sunset! Your photos reminded me of the sky this morning, which was filled some really interesting gray clouds, which could easily have been overlooked. Hmmm, may have to write about them. Thanks for sharing your photos, Kevin!

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