Slice of Life: Pictures of the Band

(This is a Slice of Life post, in which we share out the events of the day. It runs through March and then every Tuesday throughout the year, and is facilitated by the folks at Two Writing Teachers. You write, too.)

Kevin with Duke Rushmore March2015

Our bass player is also a videographer and at our last gig, he invited a friend to shoot video of our gig in order to make some cool videos. He’s still working on the editing and mixing of it all, but he shared out some snippets that sound and look cool.

I grabbed a few screenshots of myself (selfie alert) to make this collage. I play saxophone and do back-up singing (and write songs for the band, too). It’s a blast.

The band is Duke Rushmore. And I am happy to say that we are more than bandmates — we are very good friends. This is us, off the stage, chatting about life and music.

Duke Rushmore relaxin'

Peace (in the pic),

  1. Can’t wait to see the pieces. I am hoping that I can capture the writing retreat I’m attending today.
    LOVE the editing process!!!!!

  2. Do you play the bass too? Just curious, I was inspecting your pictures closely trying to figure that out. Local bands are my favorite kind of band. This was fun to observe. Thanks for letting us see!

  3. Everybody needs a violent hobby. ;0

    Antispam: he cobra. The he cobra is not nearly as dangerous as the she cobra, but twiced as purty.

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