Slice of Life (Day 12): Putting Postcards in the Mail

(This is for the Slice of Life challenge, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. We write all through March, every day, about the small moments in the larger perspective … or is that the larger perspective in the smaller moments? You write, too.)

I finally got some time to write up some postcards for the CLMOOC Community, which has been engaged in a Dear Data-style project in 2017, where every month there is a new theme and we collect data that we put onto postcards and mail out to others on the list.

Yep. It’s cool and challenging.

The theme for March is music, and how people collect and share their data about music is completely up to them. I decided to track a single day of listening, as best as I could, and then using a chart in the form of a record player to represent the clock of the day. I don’t want to share it because that will ruin the surprise of folks getting it. I have about 12 postcards to go out, including a few for my overseas friends (who are musicians, so perfect fit).

Duke and I and Postcards

Duke and I Gear Up for Walk to Post Office

I’ve written about this postcard project before, so I will just reiterate: the personal connection of using the mail to send off postcards to people I’ve met in online communities is such a beautiful, human reverse of how we envision virtual friendships. I cheat a bit with my data postcards, making copies for multiple postcards … I am lazy and messy in my writing.

But I figure this allows me to send more postcards.

Duke and I braved some very frigid winter air, and cold gusting winds, on a walk to the Post Office yesterday for some International Postcard Stamps. Meanwhile, this following song was a collaboration with a bunch of people in the CLMOOC Postcard Project (you can read about the song here).

Peace (in the post),

  1. This is such a neat idea! I love how you say, ” the personal connection of using the mail to send off postcards to people I’ve met in online communities is such a beautiful, human reverse of how we envision virtual friendships.” I’m going to take the time to follow the link to where you explain the postcard project and read more about it.

  2. Kevin, this is such a neat idea. Postcards-an “old” idea but you’ve put a new twist on them. I had to laugh a bit when you shared how you “cheat”. I get it. I’d do the same thing. Now, I’m off to check out your links.

  3. Do all of the international folks live in places where they actually receive the postcards? 🙂 The inefficiency of so many places is always striking to me. I imagine someone calling out the recipient’s name – day after day – in the town square until it is either collected or lost in the shuffle.

  4. what a really cool thing to do! There is still a magic in receiving snail mail I’m absolutely going to go check out that link you posted about this postcard project.

  5. Thanks for the song on this lazy Sunday morning. This sounds like a wonderful project and a special way to connect with people.

  6. I send a postcard to my grandson every week, have since they moved to another state. It is a great way to connect to others. I didn’t know about your own postcard sending. What joy arrives in mailboxes, much better than all the junk mail. I know you love music, Kevin so this must be a special sending!

  7. Dear Data project fascinated me. I can imagine that your postcard project is as fascinating and also joyful. Of all the topics music data would be the hardest for me to collect.

  8. Kevin – I love the idea of a personal connection with others through postcards. After you think your mail has reached your intended audience, I would love to see you music data!

  9. Such a meaningful project of connecting, Kevin; I like your line: “reverse of how we envision virtual friendships.” Thank you for the inspiration to slip my writing into an envelope and add a stamp.

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