Slice of Life: Hallways of Peace

(This is for the Slice of Life challenge, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. We write on Tuesdays about the small moments in the larger perspective … or is that the larger perspective in the smaller moments? You write, too.)

I love this time of year for the ways our art teacher has decorated the hallways with a myriad of posters created by our sixth graders for the Lions Club Peace Poster contest.

Peace Poster sampling

Each year, the kids work off a theme about peace, and their posters are designed to capture the concept. This year is all about the Future of Peace. One student’s work will go on to the state level of competition, and then perhaps beyond.

Peace Poster sampling

The young artists cannot use words or text, only image and design. I work with the art teacher on the students’ writing of an Artist Statement that will hang with each piece. Students write about their artistic intentions, use of symbols, choice of elements and more, and that writing really exposes their thinking.

Peace Poster samplingYou can’t help but notice the possibilities of peace as you wander our school hallways. That’s a good thing.

Peace (beyond posters),

  1. How lovely to see these colorful posters celebrating peace and a hope for a peaceful future. Our main school hallway is currently adorned with kindness quilts that were created by bus groups as we work on our Peaceful Bus program. It’s so nice to focus on something positive. Thanks for sharing these, Kevin, and wishing you peaceful holidays!

  2. I’m grateful for the power of pictures and words, especially exercised by young explorers. Thanks, Kevin, for sharing what these students have been creating!

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