PageFlakes — Rss-ing the world

This is a follow-up to yesterday’s post, in a way. One of my projects this year is to work with our Massachusetts Writing Project (newly reconstituted with Susan at the helm) with newsletter weblogs for all of sites, and then collect all news via RSS feeds to a single blog site.

This would give us a collective voice for sharing information and by using RSS feeds, I am hoping that it will be less work for everyone involved (except for me, in setting the darn thing up).

Our writing project site also envisions a time when all of our assorted projects (Project Outreach, English Language Learners Network, Reading Initiative, etc) will have their own blog space for sharing with others, and we want to be able to collect their news at one site, too.

So I started toying around with PageFlakes and Mike, over at his Edublogs tutorial site, showed the world how to collect feeds from PageFlake and then move that code over to an Edublog site — just what I may need. (Thanks again, Mike!)

Check out my public PageFlake site and give me any feedback. I have collected all the feeds from folks in the Western Mass Writing Project who have completed the three-hour Weblog/Podcast workshops with me.

Peace (with Pageflakes),

  1. Very cool public page. I think I will set up my own now :-).I have heard of Pageflakes before. Thanks for bringing it up again.


  2. Kevin, I can tell you are on to something great here, but I am few steps behind in understanding what the outcome is. Is it sort of like a central repository for your site?

  3. Hi Gail
    Actually, my goal is to find a way to connect all of our state NWP sites together with online newsletters that send feeds into one main source for the public (as part of our revamped State Network). PageFlakes seems one way to do this. Here is my experimental run:

  4. I have started using Netvibes which is based on the same ajax technology. One of the reasons I like it better than bloglines is the ability to manage my own To Do list and email in one site. I think you can do the same with Pageflakes – so you may want to check it out.


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