Social Bookmarking — A Video View

The folks over at CommonCraft have done it again — a great little video on the power of social bookmarking (such as delicious) and how the collective force of information gathering can be used to widen the web of resources at your fingertips (on the keyboard):

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Peace (with links),

  1. I saw two of these productions in a grad course this summer at USM. Now, here is a third. I spent a week with iMovie, and have not fully recovered my sanity at the time of this comment. These little movies are not as simple as they appear. I love the spareness of the finished product, but more than that, I am in awe of how well and briefly they explain the topic. There is another layer, subtle until you get thinking about it, how they use “old tech” like cut or rip, and handle the visuals when explaining sophisticated web 2.0 ideas. I was in a friend’s classroom today trying to explain this exact thing. It took me 15 minutes and my audience was smart, social and open minded. At that rate it will take me several days to explain it to the rest of the school. Nah, I’ll send them the url to the movie instead! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

  2. Hi Laura
    You make an interesting point — they DO use old tech to explain new tech, and I think the hands-thing is just so engaging for some reason. The videos draw you in and explain it so simply and with a sense of humor (always important).


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