Your Experimental Days in a Sentence

This week, I moved us in a new direction for Day in a Sentence and so many of you took the challenge and went into VoiceThread. Thank you. And for those of you who found the task too complicated — I apologize. We’ll be back to the tried-and-true sentences next week, as Ben B. takes over as a guest-host.

Anyway, here is the Voicethreaded Day in a Sentence for this week:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="400" wmode="transparent" /]

And here are some sentences that came here via the blog:

“Bob Dylan said it best: to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free…” — Christina

“With Beethoven streaming in my ears and new snow dropping from a white clouded Colorado sky, I sit inside writing a case report about a teacher whom I greatly admire for her 30+ year career and dogged commitments to excellent, equitable education for second language learners, many of whom are immigrants.
” — Tom

“This week marked the 100th user registration for my website which validated my dream that, if you build it, and it matters, and it works, they will come!!
” — Sue

“If links were currency, I’ve just found myself some serious scratch thanks to a well-established blog.” — Ben B.

“I am having the sort of week where one longs for a lifesaver to be flung neatly at one just in the nick of time; grade-level meetings, all day training programs, district assessments . . . oh my.” — Liza

Meanwhile, I recorded the audio off the VoiceThread and made a bit of a podcast:

Take a listen

Have a wonderful week!

Peace (in collaboration),

4 thoughts on “Your Experimental Days in a Sentence

  1. Simple — In put my voice recorder next to my speaker and hit “record” — very techie.
    But, over at our Tech Stories blog, Scott mentions that VoiceThread is coming out with a way to transform VoiceThreads into videos — which is very intriguing, don’t you think?


  2. Kevin-
    Though I did not leave a voice thread/sentence this week, I really enjoyed hearing peoples voices and am intrigued by the ease you describe for using this tech.

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