Riding the Wave into the Future

I love the fertile imagination of my students. Give them a push and they leap forward. I presented them with a prompt in which they had to create a Vehicle of the Future that would run on something other than fossil fuels. This led to an interesting talk about the Earth’s resources and innovation.

Then, they got to work, using informational text/expository writing to label and explain their vehicles. I took their images and went into Animoto and … came up with this. I showed it to my students today and they were enthralled with it (and a few who had not yet finished their vehicles are now inspired to complete it soon before I do a revision of the video).

See what you think:

Peace (in green beans — which was my vehicle),

  1. The kids used MS Paint and then we moved the images into Animoto.
    I uploaded it into Flickr as a video.
    And here it is!
    (Actually, there are a few more pics coming, so this will be revised next week)

  2. Pingback: Reaction post 1: Riding the wave into the future. | Heather's digital class reflections.

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