On the prowl for Days in a Sentence

Thanks to Bonnie and Anne for guest hosting Days in a Sentence for a couple of weeks while I was off to Japan with my family. I appreciate the fact that there are plenty of folks who are willing to host the feature from time to time, and if you are interested in hosting Day in a Sentence at your blog, let me know. It’s a fun and relatively easy way to bring the network to your doorstep.

This week’s Day in a Sentence is the traditional format: reflect, and boil down your week or a day in your week, and use the comment link down below to share out. I will collect and then publish them all over the weekend. Easy, right? Come on in and join us.

Here is my sentence:

Although I am required to teach it, I can’t quite figure out how a student learning about parts of speech and breaking down the role of an individual word in a sentence becomes a better writer.

Peace (in sharing),

PS — Remember the theme song? Here is again, just to keep you dancin’

One Comment
  1. Not my sentence, but my epiphany came as I pondered the same sentiment of your post: just how does diagramming a sentence help my students become better writers? Know what? I quit diagramming sentences and teaching parts of speech in isolation. Now I do it all through my writing conferences and mini-lessons. I also had a mentor teacher who validated my ideas. Plus, I teach in a private school where I am allowed more freedom in my curriculum. Just wanted to add my support.

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