The Quidditch Rap Song

Today is the Quidditch Tournament in our school. A few years ago, I wrote a song to celebrate our game and last week, I updated it, using a music loop software for the music. Then, I made a music video. Yesterday, I had all of my students listen to it and I had all 80 of them help me sing the chorus. Yeah — it was messy, but messy fun.

Here is the video and then below, you can listen to the song with my students singing the chorus:

Listen to the Q Rap with Students

Peace (in flying snitches),

  1. Incredibly cool, and very fun. I’ve decided you never sleep.

    Have a great time in California–from where I write these comments (in between grading research essays–awful stuff!) I hope the weather is perfect for you, and good luck with the XO.


  2. I was thinking about HP the other day, I remember the day I heard about the book–one of my student’s dad brought it back from the UK as a gift. It’s been TWELVE years. I loved teaching that book the first (and only) time. Of course I did have a few witchcraft averse parents. Now the whole HP phenomena is almost cliche’–I’d love to teach it to kids that have never been exposed to the hype—never read the books, never saw the movies. JKRowling, IMO changed the children’s book (movie) industry. Does Quidditch have rules? or did you ‘assume’ them?

  3. I wrote a nice set of comments, but they seem to have been eaten. I noticed you haven’t posted for a while after putting this one up–I suppose you’re finally getting some sleep, as I don’t think you sleep. Ever.

    How did you group fare in the Quidditch tourney? If you posted it, I must have missed it.
    Have a good spring–we’ve suddenly turned the corner into summer (101 today–ick).


  4. Well:

    My team — RIPTIDE — won the 2009 Quidditch Cup Tournament — it was an incredible day of teamwork, activity, craziness and celebration for my team. I coached but really, I just watched. Everyone was involved and so, the trophy that will sit in my classroom for the next year really is a testament to them more than me. I was just exhausted from watching them.
    The local newspaper is doing a photo spread on Quidditch so I will share that when it gets published.

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