10 Years Ago … and counting

I know a lot of us are mulling over where we were in life as 1999 came to a close. I remember where I was: I was a newspaper reporter and like the rest of hte world, my editors thought the Y2K bug was gonna destroy all of the computers and lead to a community meltdown.

So, I had to stay in the office until midnight and wait for The End of Technology to happen. Yeah. Didn’t happen. So, I sat around, bored out of my gourd, watching television with one ear on the scanner, thinking: this sucks.

It wasn’t too much longer that I bailed out on my career in the newspaper business, stayed at home as a dad for two years (yeah!), went back to school and then went into teaching. Meanwhile, we had one kid born before 2000 and two more after 2000, and boy, time goes by fast.

I went through two rock bands, a number of smaller groups (one of which I named the Millennium Bugs as a nod to the great disaster that never happened) and an endless number of songs, poems, stories and whatnot throughout the last decade, and the words keep coming (not all of them good).

I also began the decade as a technology neophyte (heck, if the Y2K Bug had hit, I would have been in trouble trying to figure out how to explain it), but that changed when I joined the National Writing Project and took a path into technology in education. That changed my life. I am now fully immersed in the world of tech and loving it.

At least, tonight, the only bug we have to worry about is the flu. That’s progress.

Peace (in the decade),

  1. I’m sort of shocked to learn that you weren’t always a teacher and that we started teaching in the same decade!

    I almost forgot about the Y2K debacle. So ridiculous! 😀

  2. Ten years ago I too was in the newspaper business, working as an intern at a Western Mass weekly. I went on to work for a daily in central mass before deciding that newspapering was not my calling. After some subbing and graduate school, I landed a high school teaching gig in the Happy Valley and the rest is, as they say, history.

    FYI, I’ve picked up your book, but haven’t read it yet. One of my goals for 2010!

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