Why I write each day with Slice of Life

This is the third year that I have spent the month of March participating in the Slice of Life challenge over at Two Writing Teachers with Stacey and Ruth. This morning, I thought I would reflect on why I take part in the daily writing project as a podcast.

Reflections on Slice of Life

Peace (in the Slice),

  1. Exactly!! I did not think I’d be able to keep up with slicing every day…but it certainly allowed for creative expression, and a community in which to do so.

  2. I agree too Kevin. Our first year, I remember you found the site and shared it on your blog and I jumped in. I was already blogging pretty regularly and I think we were already into our ABC project. I might have been in Israel that year during the month and it was great…I’m going to stop here and save this writing for my own last slice.

  3. Kevin- I remember the first year too. After hearing your podcast I’m inspired to go back and reread posts from that year and learn to embed podcasts on my blog. Bonnie- I remember your writing on that trip to Israel! Thinking of our slices as a body of work is a good way to end the month! Thanks.

  4. Pingback: Day 30 of 31: SOLSC « TWO WRITING TEACHERS

  5. Wow Kevin! Thanks for sharing this. You’re support and encouragement keeps me going. Thank you. I’ve highlighted this post so everyone can be inspired by your reflective practice. Thanks for making us all better educators, Ruth

  6. Love it, especially the peeking into the heads of this writing community. I is like reconnecting with old friends and being let in on a tweet. I too have enjoyed this month with this writing community and with my students who have been linking to our class blog.

  7. It was so nice to hear your experiences from all three years. This is my first year, so I can relate to the way you felt proud the first year for completing the full challenge. Tomorrow I will officially have completed every day.

    I have also loved the community of writers.

    Thanks for sharing your reflection.

  8. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. As a rookie slicer I can connect to your first year reflections. I am glad that I made the commitment to participate with such a dedicated, motivating group of writers.

  9. While I don’t have three years under my belt–only two–I loved listening to your reflections (and guitar playing) about Slicing for a month. I agree with you on many points, esp. the fact of having a community of writers for a month changes the nature of the comittment. When you know someone may be reading and may be writing, you work a little harder to get at the nugget of the day.

    thanks for all your music, your videos, your writing–

  10. Love your podcast, Kevin. I’m so glad I’ve been a part of each of these months of slices. I love that I’ve discovered so many wonderful teacher-bloggers thanks to Stacey, Ruth and the challenge, and I love the feeling of being part of a little online community through the slicing. I’ve learned so much from reading your blog (and still hope to one day have enough not-crazy time on my hands so that I can ask you some of the tech questions I keep wanted to ask you), and who knows if I’d ever have found my way here if not for the slice of life challenge.

    I haven’t been able to read as much this year as I would have liked, but I’ve been so glad knowing you were all here, and I look forward to reconnecting in next year’s challenge (as well as now and then throughout the year)!

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