I figured it might be worthwhile to gather up a one-page resource sheet for the administrators who will be in our presentation session this week around New Literacies. Here is a list of what I am including:
Selected Books
The Digital Writing Workshop, by Troy Hicks (http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Writing-Workshop-Troy-Hicks/dp/0325026742 )
Teaching the New Writing, edited by Kevin Hodgson, Anne Herrington, and Charlie Moran (http://www.amazon.com/Teaching-New-Writing-Technology-21st-Century/dp/0807749648 )
The Socially Networked Classroom, by William Kist (http://www.amazon.com/Socially-Networked-Classroom-Teaching-Media/dp/1412967015)
Curriculum 21, edited by Heidi Jacobs (http://www.amazon.com/Curriculum-21-Essential-Education-Changing/dp/1416609407 )
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and other Powerful Web Tools for the Classroom, by Will Richardson (http://www.amazon.com/Blogs-Wikis-Podcasts-Powerful-Classrooms/dp/1412927676 )
Assorted Online Resources
Massachusetts New Literacies Wiki – the home of our project, including participant projects. http://massnewlitinstitute.wikispaces.com/
Digital Is … – a site by the National Writing Project that showcases how and why technology can be part of learning environments. http://digitalis.nwp.org/
Digital Culture and Perspectives – an online journal about New Literacies. http://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/volume-2/
The New Media Consortium – news and insights into the field of New Literacies. http://www.nmc.org/
Some Important Videos
Did You Know, 4.0 version – an amazing use of data to show the changing world which is the future of our students. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8
The Machine is Us/ing Us – a video by a university professor (Michael Wesch) about the transforming nature of digital text and tools. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLlGopyXT_g
New Literacies Institute YouTube Collection. This includes some video reflections from Massachusetts teachers from the summer institute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wSiu4bFcR8
Peace (in the sharing),