Pre(z)enting: Collected Days in a Haiku

I was taken back by the beauty and power of the various Days in a Haiku that came my way from various directions. I used this blog space, and Twitter, and our iAnthology network to ask folks to reflect on their days in the form of a haiku.

So, here, I share with you. I hope you are impressed as I was.

Peace (in the days),

3 thoughts on “Pre(z)enting: Collected Days in a Haiku

  1. Thanks for putting together the nice presentation of the Haikus from iAnthology. I loved seeing all three of mine together. By watching your presentation, it reminded me of how important it is to publish our students’ works. This was the first week I’ve ever participated it in Writing into the Week on iAnthology. Your presentation made it really fun. Thanks!

  2. Wow…I love the format! There was something so mesmerizing in the way you were (visually) pulled into each haiku. Thank you!

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