Video Share: Design Thinking and Education

This an interesting view of a teacher reflecting on how design ideas can reshape learning experiences for students. While the video does not go into too many specifics, it is clear she and her colleagues and the school are undergoing inquiry to couple design ideas with education. I’m curious to know more about what that means, and how a school begins.

I was intrigued by this description at the Design Thinking for Educators site:

(Design is) involves storytelling, sorting and condensing thoughts, until a compelling point of view and clear direction for ideation emerge.

(The video was shared by VideoAmy over at Edutopia. See her entire playlist around design ideas in education for more information – you can also view the IDEO site, which is a design consultant that produced the video. They have a whole section on education).

Why Design Thinking? from Design Thinking for Educators on Vimeo.

It’s interesting because a recent issue of Smithsonian Magazine is themed around design, and the legacy of Steve Jobs at Apple. The idea of simplicity, but not simple, is what is intriguing, I think, and how to make the form of something match it function without interfering with the function. In education, this raises questions about the roles of the classroom, the layout of the classroom and school, the experiences of students in a given day, and all the ways that we interact with other adults and with students.
Peace (in the design),

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