Like many, I have been watching the Mars Curiosity with … curiosity. But along with the idea of a rover moving (slowly) around Mars, I’ve been fascinated by the ways that NASA and its supporters are leveraging Twitter, Youtube and other new media/technology elements to add a little pizzazz to its mission. And adding some very important fun, too. In the past few weeks, both Newsweek and Time magazines and a host of online sites have been featuring the ways that the rover is getting its news out. I just saw an interchange between Brittney Spears and the Rover via Twitter in one of the magazines. Odd? Yes. Interesting? You bet.
Check out:
- MarsCuriosity twitter feed (official)
- Sarcastic Rover on Twitter (unofficial)
- MarsRoverSwag on Twitter (unofficial)
- And the profane-inspired Curoisity Rover (very unofficial)
- Tweetsoutloud on Twitter
- N165Mars on Twitter
The embedded video above is another example (although not created by NASA, it is a catchy example of celebrating science for the younger generation listening to LMFAO). Given the reduced funds for NASA space exploration and fears that science research is taking a back seat to other priorities, this push to make science relevant and fun with parody and pop culture is important.
I know, for me, this mix of official and parody has made me pay attention. And I suspect maybe my students, too?
Peace (in exploration of new media),
PS – Thanks to Maria for a few additions to the twitter list.
NASA is doing a fabulous job of connecting the masses with the awesomeness of space. Some of the coolest things they do are the socials (previously tweetups). I actually had the opportunity to be at the launch of Curiosity because of the tweetups. I had several friends who were at landing events at NASA centers around the country. Science is cool; it’s great that it’s being promoted that way!