My NCTE Ignite Session: Short Form Writing

My friend, Sandy Hayes, has edited and published all of the Ignite sessions from NCTE (Ignite sessions had a format of 20 slides, transitioning every 20 seconds), and here, I talk about short-form writing and what it mean to our definitions of what writing is, and becoming, and whether we validate the many shortened ways that people write in different spaces.

(I’ll share out other Ignite sessions over the coming days, too. There are some wonderful presentations in the mix!)
Peace (in the ignite),

  1. I really appreciate the way you phrased things:
    Our (and our students’) Lives…
    We, and our students, are…

    Instead of being an “us and them” effect, I imagined it fostered the opposite–many more adults realizing that short form writing has always been around, *can* have literary merit, and with digital means, can be endlessly innovative and invigorating!

  2. I loved this piece and can’t wait to take another watch.
    BRAVO my friend
    You keep the creative juices flowing no matter what walls you have to keep climbing over,

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