Slice of Life: Authoethnography Infographic (or, What the Heck I Wrote About)


(This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge with Two Writing Teachers. We write about small moments each and every day for March. You come, too. Write with us.)

As noted on the very first day of the\is year’s Slice of Life (March 1), I was curious to go back through my many slices to see what the heck I was writing about over the past six years of writing with Slice of Life. Some themes emerged as I moved through the posts (luckily, I kept them tagged here at the blog in my Slice of Life category). I then took a physical count (not including this year’s slices), putting the posts into subcategories, and then went into an app I have in on my iPad to create this infographic:

Slice of Life Autoethnograpy Infographic

I find it interesting to see where my lens ends up over time, and it is no surprise that family and teaching and writing are the main focus. The “other” is a real collection of odds and ends of topics.

Peace (in the data),

  1. I love that you did this! I wonder how long it took you to do!! This must’ve been fun to go through your past writings. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is such an interesting thing to do. I haven’t been tagging my posts but now I think I will. Thanks for the great idea.

  3. Kevin,
    I’m always fascinated by the different things you post- infographics, poems, mind maps, line lifts, etc. I wish I taught right next door to you and could run over every day for a quick conversation. I know I would learn soooo much! And I’m going to work on being more consistent with my tagging!

  4. I’m with Carol! Also, I am surprised “tech” and “music” aren’t higher. When I think of your blog, I think of it as a place to go to learn about new teachy-techy things. Not my forte, so I need someone to show me new things!

  5. I’m new to blogging. Should tags be general or specific? I know you synthesized to general categories, but were those the actual tags? Trying to learn:).

    • Good question. In this case, I was using categories as tags (I think of it as meta-tagging). But in the ideal space, everything would be categorized and tagged for easy finding and sorting.

  6. I love this! And I was surprised by the breakdown in your posts. So interesting. I should do this with my six years of slices and see what I find!

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