Slice of Life: Laughs and Memes


(This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge with Two Writing Teachers. We write about small moments each and every day for March. You come, too. Write with us.)

I don’t know what you make of the strange stuff I post sometimes (but thank you for reading anyway). Today’s slice is a sort of counterweight to the other day’s heavy one. Yesterday afternoon, I just started blasting out some Slice of Life memes, injecting some humor (I hope) into the challenge.






Sol meme

And that’s what I have for today. Strange humor as my Slice of Life.
Peace (from the awkward angle),


  1. Hahahaha!! The dog one is my favorite! HOW do you make these?!?! I wrote about something personal today, so I really appreciate the laugh over here! 🙂

  2. Thank you for the link to this App…I always wondered how to do this…and somehow ….I knew YOU knew. Thanks again for making me smile and learn in one breath!

  3. I love the one with the child and the beer. I can see my daughter saying that! This has been a great experience for all of us! Thanks for this fun read.

  4. You are hilarious. I’m trying this over the weekend. The beer one made me laugh out loud. Tough to do this early in the morning. Thank you for that.

  5. Kevin, thanks for the dose of humor, early on Friday morning, (Australia Time) I’m chuckling. You efforts are much appreciated and have contributed to my well being on a busy day. Cheers!

  6. Slice of life memes = genius! My mind is churning – maybe we should all slice a meme or two this month! (If we can be as techie as you, Kevin!)

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