The Story of a Species (A Rhizomatic Tale Written Rhizomatically)

Fold it

So, this was interesting .. I set up a Fold that Story collaboration within the Rhizomatic Learning community and invited folks to write within the Exquisite Corpse structure — you only see the fold above you and nothing else — and the next person only sees the fold you left, and nothing else.

Yeah, the story unfolds in strange tangents, as different writers take the story in different directions. Interestingly, there are common threads that hold it all together over the course of the 20 folded story strands, and that is no doubt a reflection of common discussion themes in the Rhizo15 community.

So, I present to you: our story. I decided to create an audio narration, and while it would have been neat to have all the writers record their own parts that they wrote and then piece those audio together, I don’t have the time to do that. (Anyone want to do that? I am game to read my parts again.)

The Story of the Species- A Rhizomatic Adventure

Peace (in the folds of the story),

PS — Curious about who wrote what? Here is a link to a version that has names attached.

  1. So grateful that you are so prolifically creative and keep making, making, calling people in to create together. That was so much fun. Always played this on paper as a child – one of my favourite games. Heaps more fun than cards!

    The collective rhizomatic brain definitely has shared, interwoven concepts/instincts as different as we all are.

    Hope you don’t mind I’m going to share this in my own blog. Love it so much.

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