A Cup of Coffee, with Connections and Conversations

On Blab with Maha, Sarah, Maha

Yesterday morning, I had the good fortune to hang with out with friends from Egypt and Scotland. At 6 a.m. my time —  but later in the day for them, of course — Maha B., Sarah H., Maha A. and I held a discussion on Blab (a new platform to me but reminds me a bit of The Brady Bunch opening sequence .. it’s still in Beta, and there were some minor technical difficulties) about Digital Writing Month reflections. Maha B. and Sarah are presenting to a TESOL conference soon, and they hope to use parts of the video chat in their presentation. The video eventually will be live on Youtube, I believe.

For me, the conversation brought home yet again the concepts of connections. Yes, we were reflecting on the experiences of facilitating Digital Writing Month back in November and yes, it was recorded for a presentation to other educators, but here I was, at the break of day, chatting it up with some friends from other parts of the world on issues important to me, and all from the dining room table as my kids were getting up and getting ready for school.

Pretty amazing — this small world.

I am fortunate to have connected friends like these three, and many others, and I am fortunate to be living in a time when connections can be made and nurtured and extended time and time again. Now, how to help my students see those kinds of connections and extend their own views of the world ….

Peace (in the shift),

  1. Is this available in the cloud anywheres?

    antispamablabbityblabblab: dozen woe Today felt like a baker’s dozen of woes, but I had the best dang coffee to drink with them.

  2. It was wonderful talking to you Vf2f Kevin.

    Looks like the embed didn’t work for you. One more piece of the blab puzzle so the video works only for the original host 🙁 I whould’ve embeded on m blog too.

    The button for recording turns into an upload to youtube button seemingly for the original host only as Sara couldn’t find it. However it is still not doing it for me and I am following it up with the blab people.

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