A bunch o’ folks are working to plan and launch the fourth year of Making Learning Connected (CLMOOC) in July. We’re sort of on our own this year, as the National Writing Project is turning its resources and attention to another great summer project (see below). We’re aiming to crowdsource the Make Cycle activities of CLMOOC as much as possible. A bunch of folks are tinkering in Slack space to get organized.
What will CLMOOC look like? We don’t yet know.
But we have faith … and we have an overarching theme: Cultivating Connections and Community. Cool, right?
If you want to get on the list for news updates about CLMOOC, we have a Google Form all cooked up for you.
You can follow events on Twitter (#clmooc) and in Google Communities, and who knows where else. Ripples happen, right?
Wondering how to stay creative and engaged until then? Be sure to check out Letters to the President 2.0 project, overseen by National Writing Project and Educator Innovator (the two organizations which seeded the CLMOOC to begin with, three summers ago). The Connected Learning themes resonate through that entire L2P project of raising student voice into the political stage.
Peace (it’s always ongoing),
Good teasing, dude.