Slice of Life/SmallPoems Day 7 (underground artists)

(I am participating in the March Slice of Life challenge via the Two Writing Teachers site.  Slice of Life is the idea of noticing the small moments. I have been a participant for many years and each year, I wonder if I will have the energy to write every day. This year, I am going to try to coincide it with my daily poetry writing, and intend to compose small poems on small moments. We’ll see how it goes …)

Day Seven

What comes to mind
when I see the mounds:

that scene in the movie
where the madman
dreamer sculpts mashed
potatoes, an unrelenting vision
of an alien visit

but these mounds are dirt,
tunneled debris, piled ankle-high
like volcanoes without the heat

these underground artists live
below in a place we can’t see,
small creatures working furiously
before spring

Peace (digging it),

  1. This gave me a chuckle! Thanks for sharing. ( I haven’t participated in the Slice of Life for a year or so, and am glad to see you are still slicing poetically along!)

  2. The descriptions you put together in relatively few words always amaze me-yes, I can picture it well.

  3. I love the structure of this piece and how you move from your wonderings to focus on the “small creatures working furiously/before spring.” This is such a great example of how to dig into a small moment or noticing and breathe life into it.

  4. I enjoyed your poem, or small poem. I always get stuck in my head when trying to write poetry. This is good inspiration to give it a try! Thanks!

    • Best advice I have: just write write write, and then read it out loud, let your voice and tongue become the way you revise down, cutting out what you don’t need and leaving the seed

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