Poems Nearly Lost and Left Behind

Spring poetry...
Spring poetry… flickr photo by js hsu shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

Note: I’ve been writing poems every day now for quite some time and am about to take a break for a bit, to recharge the writing mind. These three poems were leftovers — sitting in a place where I’d jot down poems but only sometimes used. – Kevin

Short, Attention, Span

is about all
I can take –
before I

Finding Funny

We’re having some trouble
finding the funny – these
rainy days used to be sunny
but now it’s just clouds
and trouble – the news feed
merely doubles our anxiety
so we’re sitting on the couch
with sitcoms — intentional
scripted dumb on display —
letting an earful of canned laughter
remind us to forget before
we need to remember again

And I Believe Him

He says he put his head down
only to drown out the sound
of the teacher’s voice –
the drone of talking
as the slideshow advanced —

and I believe him …

for what I can’t believe or
fathom is a teacher talking
for 60 minutes, the small screen
as podium, as if
all eyes were alert instead
of wandering

He says he put his head down,
for only a minute, to rest,
and I believe him.

Peace (in poems),