One tradition at our elementary school on the last day of school is that the entire staff comes out to the front of the school and the buses with students drive around and around (and around) the bus loop so we can all wave goodbye and welcome everyone into summer.
Not this year, obviously.
But the principal wisely organized a Reverse Parade, in which we staff members lined up on both sides of the school parking area (with social distancing and masks on) as families drove cars with their kids to the school and slowly made their way across the grounds as we cheered and waved and shouted, “Have a good summer!” to each other.
There were more than 300 vehicles, I’d estimate (and maybe closer to 400) as the line stretched from the school parking lot way down the street. I guess we all need some closure to the school year, and for families, this was an “outing” and the “event” of the day, no doubt, as kids made elaborate signs to hold and car windows were painted with beautiful pictures and words.
I saw many of my sixth graders, maybe for the last time for a long time (as they move forward to the regional middle school). I felt a little sad, again, about not having proper closure with the class, as would normally happen. A wave through the window of a car is nice, but still lacked a finality to a school year.
Peace (rolling through slowly),
The end to the year was certainly unique. Your whole school car parade was, as you wrote, an event, an outing, and a closure. All that, so important for us and kids. Love the comic! Thanks for sharing!
Much like so much in the last three months, I am desperately trying to reframe each experience. No car parade for us, just a sense of longing for what wasn’t and what was left undone. With our future uncertain, it leaves us restless. Hopefully, we can turn that restlessness into rest. Peace.
Isabelle’s school did the same thing. It was an important way to close out the year for her. Not the same as anyone would’ve wanted the summer send-off to be, but still meaningful for all.