Visual Slice of Life: The Eyes Have It

(The Slice of Life Challenge in March is hosted by Two Writing Teachers as way to encourage teachers-as-writers. You can join in, if you want. There is also a monthly call for Slices on Tuesdays. You can write then, too)

This is a sample of some of the faces created and shared by students last week as we talked about “reading emotions” in the Pandemic, when our masks cover our faces.

Their task, as part of our social-emotional lesson, was to answer the question: How are you feeling about coming back in full to school?

(Which happens this coming week) They had to capture their feeling in a picture with both a mask and mask-less face, as we then talked about the importance of our eyes and addressed any anxiety over the coming changes ahead for our school.

Classroom Face Collage

Peace (noticed),

  1. While eyes can show emotion it’s clear to see here that our mouths hold more clues to how we are feeling. Cool drawings! And good luck going back to face to face.

  2. What a great way to have your students consider their feelings about returning to school. They’ve captured so much in these images! Did you make one, too?

  3. This idea strikes me as both very practical and deeply personal. Beyond getting a read on how your students may be feeling (but not necessarily verbalizing) about the return to in-person instruction, I wonder about your students’ process of capturing themselves visually and revealing emotions through their drawings. I’m sure that there is much more to this exercise for you and your students than meets the eye.

  4. These masks hide so much. Good luck going back. We have been face-to-face the entire year, and I am very grateful to have had this time.

  5. Such a great idea to think about what our eyes show. Good luck going back! It seems like you have really started the conversation with your students so they will feel comfortable talking to you as they transition to in person school!

  6. I love this project! It reminds me of the “masked selfies” we took on our first day of in person hybrid learning in September. We do spend a bit of time regularly talking about how we “read” each other when we can only see eyes and not mouths!


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