Slice of Life: And So The Year Begins …

(This is for the Slice of Life challenge, hosted by Two Writing Teachers. We write on Tuesdays about the small moments in the larger perspective … or is that the larger perspective in the smaller moments? You write, too.)




On this day
before the
first days
of school,
the dreamers
in us remember
long nights of
wonder and
worry, the
unknown spinning
us forward
into something
and still a
bit blurry;
each year begins
with a single
step of pause,
then comes
the hurry

Peace (at the start of it all),

  1. I’m with you in the worry, the blurry, and the hurry! Have a great school year! Ruth,

  2. Beautiful and perfect, Kevin. I love the lines, “…spinning
    us forward
    into something
    and still a
    bit blurry.” Our kids arrive tomorrow and I still feel that blurriness I feel every year at this time. Glad I’m not alone. Thanks for sharing this amazing poem 🙂

  3. I’m feeling a bit blurry this morning after the first day yesterday! I appreciate your worry, blurry, hurry rhyming. Perfect! Hope you’re off to a great start!

  4. Favorite part
    a single step of pause,

    This sums up my feelings as I begin another school year so well. I keep stepping but I also am so apprehensive.

    Thanks for putting my feelings into words.
    Thanks for sharing your poem.

  5. Your poem speaks to the universal feelings we teachers have as a new year begins- amplified by the pandemic. May the year start well for you (and continue that way too).

  6. I had more of the worry… and the pause as we begin this year. I in the twilight of this career. Amazed that it has flown by so fast and yet not quite ready to let it go. You capture that between space so eloquently.

  7. “each year begins
    with a single
    step of pause,
    then comes
    the hurry”
    Perfectly put! I admire your gift of writing poetry. Have a great year!

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