AI Comic: The Last Bot Standing

The Last Bot Standing

In many AI circles these days, there are discussions about the possibility that AI might advance to the point where its decisions might impact humanity in the most terrible ways — as in, complete destruction of society. It stems from our inability to really know how AI is making its decisions, and that unknown factor is cause for concern. That scenario of Ai-induced collapse of society seems far-fetched to me, but that it is even on the radar screen of AI engineers and developers is a bit worrisome, no?

Today’s Daily Create was to make a comic with Make Beliefs comic site (it was a prompt I had submitted some time ago and is being re-used, so that was fun to run into an old prompt) so, given our work in ETMOOC2, it made sense to poke fun at the idea of a sentient AI becoming the “last bot standing.” (AI is not sentient, and I don’t expect it ever be, by the way).

Peace (and Bots),

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