Using AI To Animate Drawings

I came upon this site via ETMOOC2 and wondered about it’s potential for play in the classroom. It’s called Animated Drawings and is fueled by an AI engine via Meta (uh oh). It’s very simple to use: upload a drawing, and follow the steps, and get your drawing put into small bits of motion — dancing, walking, jumping, etc.

I did two experiments. One with a large face with small body and one with a saxophone body. I tried one with a starfish drawing but it just didn’t work. It was really weird.

Peace (and Motion),

One Comment
  1. I’ve used maps for many years to visualize all the places where kids need extra help and extra learning opportunities. As I read your posts (for many years) I dream of kids in Pre-k-6th grade, in ever zip code in America (and the world) having access to the hardware, internet, and ideas that you and others constantly share.

    Instead of putting a damper on kids’ creativity, initiative and imagination, we should be finding fuel to keep it growing.

    Kids in more affluent areas may already have access to much of this, at home, and at school. I suspect that a small percent of kids have access at school and far fewer at home.

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