The Merits of Blogging: A Research Study

Dr. Jeff Felix has posted a dissertation research study (the summary is here and the full report is here) that he did around the topic of blogging in the classroom, and it is a very thorough and deep look at the ways in which blogging can enhance the educational learning for students, and forge new connections between teachers and their students.

At one point, in the summary of the report, Felix writes:

This newfound excitement about the writing process may have also stimulated the student’s enthusiasm for school. The interviewees expressed strongly how the blogs motivated the students to learn, revealing how they were using the motivational power of blogging to motivate students to complete assignments, write more, think deeper thoughts, or post comments. The teachers also gave examples of how blogs promote deeper thought in assignments and in their postings.

And in the conclusion:

On one level, blogs may appear to be little more than personal diaries posted on the Internet for everyone to see. Yet, when used as a communication and instructional tool, they seem to provide a round-table for teachers to share ideas with other educators across the globe or simply talk about themselves and others in a local setting. Blogs become communication bridges with not only the child in the classroom, but also the Millennials who are entering the workplace as teachers. But it is possible that blogging is also an indicator of the teaching profession in transition– and without attempting to use or consider a tool such as blogging– the profession could have difficulty relating to the Digital Age student or teacher.

Thanks to Dr. Felix for undergoing this research and then for sharing it with the rest of us.

Peace (in the classroom),

Social Networks in Education

Steve Hartegan, of Classroom 2,0, is at it again, compiling resources on how Ning and other social networks are being used in education. Here are some sample links from his new wiki site called Social Networks in Education:

  • Classroom 2.0 – Web 2.0 in the Classroom
  • College 2.0 – Higher Education, Online Education and Web 2.0
  • Coming of Age – The Book on Web 2.0 in the Classroom
  • EduBloggerWorld – International Edubloggers
  • ILTCE – Illinois Technology Conference for Educators – Learning Without Boundaries 2008
  • International Classroom – Social network created for classes around the world. Space where pupils can share, talk about themselves ,show pictures and videos etc,and get to know each other’s culture.
  • International Collaboration – High school and university students worldwide collaborate and learn about each others’ cultures and life styles
  • The Global Education Collaborative – Promoting Global Awareness
  • Learning 2.0 – Creating Collaborative Learning
  • LITE – Leading Innovative Technology use in Education – Glenview School District 34
  • Next Generation Teachers – Improving Teaching and Learning with New Technologies
  • ProjectsByJen – PreK – 6th Grade Teacher Collaboration
  • Online Projects 4 Teachers – Linking Teachers Together
  • School 2.0 – The Changing of Education
  • We Are Teachers IMAGINE Network– Online Knowledge Marketplace
  • WEBTAS (Web Teaching and Academic Support Learning Community)
  • Laptop Learning Community – Preparing Students with 21st Century Skills
  • WorkForce Educators – Distance Learning and Teaching
  • – A network of teachers using technology
  • – Network of NanoScience
  • Fireside Learning (ning) – “Conversations about learning. Sit by the fireside and share your thoughts.”
  • RBG Worldwide 1 Nation (ning) Afrikan Centered Cultural Development and Education
  • PSUCast PowerSchool users network.
  • SIGTE 2008 Book Discussion; Steering committee currently discussing book choices. Using NING as communication tool.
  • World Englishes Project– Blended Learning Course about World Englishes in collaboration with Waseda University, Japan.
  • Alabama Educator’s Network– For teachers living in Alabama (Please join if you live in AL.)
  • MACUL Space – Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning. Educators Pre-K to 20.
  • Smallsteps – a class based network set up to support 14yr old design students with a design and make project centred around the topic of waste reduction.
  • Schoolwork Together – Space for teens from Israel and Dutch school to meet and discuss ideas for a common project
  • Gifted Education Ning space for parents and teachers started by Ginger Lewman to discuss gifted issues
  • Fielfindr A portal to connect classrooms to the world: Global citizens can share talents and skills with students.
  • – Teaching and Education in Asia: Communities of Hope – Asian Educators discover and discuss common and unique challenges and experiences in Asian teaching contexts.
  • Comenius Programme Network A network for teachers accross Europe to seek support, share ideas and experiences to help ensure successful Projects

Steve invites people to add their own links to the wiki, so if you are using social networks for education, go ahead and add the resource (I know I have at least one I have to put on the list under Professional Development)

Peace (in networks),

Bud Reflects on XO Collaborative Possibilities

My friend, Bud the Teacher, created a nice podcast reflection on using the XO for collaboration. He used a site that has been set up by Tom Hoffman for XO folks to connect and use the sharing activities with others.

Here is Bud’s podcast

He gives some honest assessment of the possibilities and the limitations, and of course, he is very insightful in his approach (as always). And Bud’s post makes me want to use the Jabber site he mentions to try to connect in with some other XO folks.

Peace (in possibilities),


A Teaching Checklist

(This is probably like some chain letter, as I borrowed it from my friend, Maria. I’m not much a Jeff Foxworthy fan, but this list had me smiling.)

by Jeff Foxworthy

1. You can hear 25 voices behind you and know exactly which one belongs to the child out of line
2. You get a secret thrill out of laminating something.
3. You walk into a store and hear the words ‘It’s Ms/Mr. _________’and know you have been spotted.
4. You have 25 people that accidentally call you Mom/Dad at one time or another.
5. You can eat a multi-course meal in under twenty-five minutes.
6. You’ve trained yourself to go to the bathroom at two distinct times of the day: lunch and prep period
7. You start saving other people’s trash, because most likely, you can use that toilet paper tube or plastic butter tub for something in the classroom.
8. You believe the teachers’ lounge should be equipped with a margarita machine.
9. You want to slap the next person who says ‘Must be nice to work 7 to 3 and have summers off.
10. You believe chocolate is a food group.
11. You can tell if it’s a full moon without ever looking outside.
12 You believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says ‘Boy, the kids sure are mellow today.
13. You feel the urge to talk to strange children and correct their behavior when you are out in public.
14. You believe in aerial spraying of Ritalin.
15. You think caffeine should be available in intravenous form.
16. You spend more money on school stuff than you do on your own children.
17. You can’t pass the school supply aisle without getting at least five items!
18. You ask your friends if the left hand turn he just made was a good choice or a bad choice.
19. You find true beauty in a can full of perfectly sharpened pencils.
20. You are secretly addicted to hand sanitizer and finally,
21. You understand instantaneously why a child behaves a certain way after meeting his or her parents.

The Writer (in film)

This is a nice montage of writers in films.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Just for your entertainment. (I like the quote: “It must be wonderful to be a writer.” )


Day in a Sentence: The First Words of 2008!!

Matt Needleman has graciously agreed to guest-host the first edition of the Day in a Sentence feature for 2008. Matt and I have connected through some shared interest in the use of video and moviemaking in the classroom and he has been a regular contributor to Day in a Sentence.

Please head on over to Matt’s Blog and post your Day in a Sentence and let’s get 2008 started on a wall of words. (The way it works is that you capture your week or a day in your week in a single sentence, post it as a comment on Matt’s blog, and then he will collect and publish them all on Sunday. Everyone is invited to join in.)

Day in Sentence Icon Peace (and prosperity in the new year),


Matt’s Video in the Classroom Site

Happy New Year!

Matt Needleman is re-launching his Video in the Classroom website and if you are interested in exploring this world with your students, this site is a good place to begin. Matt has pulled together examples, links and ideas on how to get started. The site is still under construction but it remains a place to visit and learn from.

(disclosure: Matt has profiled me and the work of my students at his site, including this podcast that Matt has put together with three teachers who do claymation in the classroom. The podcast is great and Matt gets at the inside of creating a clay movie with students in the classroom from a variety of viewpoints. I got some nice tips on using tinfoil on the inside of the clay figures to keep them from falling over — we call it the “melting” of the clay.).

Thanks, Matt, for sharing your resources with the rest of us. He is also launching a Blog Carnival and seeks your submissions for blog posts or articles related to video in the classroom.

Also, Matt is going to be this week’s host for the Day in a Sentence feature and more information about that will be coming tomorrow.

Peace (in sharing),

The XO Mesh Network

I am still moving slowly on my XO Computer but I am intrigued by this concept of the “Mesh Network” system, which builds wireless “clouds” between XO users. This means that not only can XO laptops connect with each other but as long as one XO in a mesh has connection to the Internet, then every XO in that mesh has the same access. This has interesting ramifications for classrooms where wireless connections may be few and far between.

And, even if there is no wireless access, the mesh allows XOs to connect with each other anyway, and share resources and collaborate on projects together. The software “creates” a virtual wireless network for the classroom. Isn’t that cool?

This video does a better job explaining it than I ever could do.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

And this is interesting, too — looking at the XO as an e-Reader and considering ways to get books to children of the world.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Peace (in XOs),

The XO in Action

I am sitting in the Starbucks in downtown Northampton, a place I almost never visit because of the high cost of a cup of Java. There are cooler places just a few doors down. But I am writing this post on my XO (known in my house as the Green Machine) to see how easy it is to post to the blog.

The XO is connected to the Web via a free Hotspot account through T-Mobile that is available to XO owners (for a year) and the hub is here at Starbucks. I connected with incredible speed (faster than my Dell laptop) and I was browsing in seconds.

I am curious to see if anyone asks me about the XO as I sit here at a community table. So far, I have gotten a few curious looks but that is about it.

OK — this tiny keyboard is killing me — I keep making mistakes and moving back and forth with my text. I am a fast typist so the slow progress is frustrating the connection between fingers and brain.

This morning, I was at home with the XO open and one of my sons was incredibly interested in what I was doing, so we opened up the TamTam program and played a little music. (You use part of the laptop keyboard as a virtual piano keyboard). One of my first goals is to learn the various TamTam programs and compose and record a little piece of music. I realize that I need to take this thing apart (not literally, of course) one program at a time. Music seems like a good place to start.

For now, in Starbucks this morning, I am going to use the XO as an e-Reader for some draft chapters for the book I am co-editing on technology and writing and assessment in the classroom. I have the files on a flash drive and in Google Docs, and I want to try both options for reading.

By the way, one of the things I already love about this machine is its portability — it is light, easy to carry and colorful.

Peace (in XOs),Kevin

Chalk — the school mockumentary

My wife and I invited a few teacher-friends over to our house last night to watch a DVD of the movie, Chalk, which has been sitting on our counter for about five weeks now. This low-budget flick is in the great tradition of Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show, and others that shine a humorous light on some aspect of society (rock band, theater group, dog shows, teachers) while also bringing to the surface some truths about those worlds.

The director, Mike Akel, was a teacher and gets inside the school in a way that you don’t see in many of the heart-breaking, heart-warming movies about education.

Chalk examines the lives of some young teachers at the start of their career in an urban city school as they stumble, mumble and groan, try to engage their students, plot their way to winning a teaching award, and just make it from day to day with their sanity intact. The main character — Mr. Lowrey — is a former computer geekwho took two aptitude tests that told him that teaching would be a good fit and here he is, losing complete control of his classroom. Other characters include the pushy PE teacher yearning for some personal life, a teacher-turned-administrator who now only interacts with the behavioral problem students and misses the classroom, and a third-year teacher who wants to be Teacher of the Year more than anything.

My friends and I were laughing through most of it as we saw ourselves, and our colleagues, in the characters and situations.

Chalk Poster

One sequence that we enjoyed was a twist on the Spelling Bee, called a Spelling Hornet, in which teachers took park in an event where they had to correctly spell various slang words used commonly by their students. The nerdy, nervous teacher wins, but only after getting some real education from his students. (And later, he kicks out a little rap rhyme for the class after being urged on by his kids).

Chalk is worth the rental and bring over a few teacher friends and have a party, and be glad that your first year of teaching is behind you.

Peace (in humor),

PS — I just found the trailer for Chalk on YouTube (where else?) and so here it is:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]