ETMOOC Annotation: Final Video Gathering

I admit: I missed every single live Zoom session gathering for the ETMOOC exploration of Artificial Intelligence. After teaching all day, the last thing I needed in my brain was a a Zoom session overload (so I engaged in other ways, mostly early in the mornings, and it was constructive for me).

But I wanted to find a way to watch the sessions later, and maybe have an annotation conversation from the side. Unfortunately, Vialogues — a site we used a lot for CLMOOC — bit the dust, but VideoAnt seems like a possible replacement.

Join us if you want — you will need a VideoAnt account to comment and be part of the conversations. (One thing that VideoAnt does NOT have that Vialogues did is an email notification when someone responds to your comment. Which is too bad.)

Peace (marking it up in the margins),

A Little Bit Loopy Space

This began as a DS106 Daily Create, inspired by a comic sketch from my friend Tyler Weaver, which led to a gif by Alan, which led to a Gif Loop video by John, which led to me making a loop soundtrack and layering it in, and then adding a dancing Jim to the end.

Typical DS106 remix … ’nuff said.

Peace (and fun),

Poem: This Machine Eats Writers

It Eats Writers

This morning’s Daily Create prompt for DS106 connects back to Ethical ELA’s prompt some time back for a Sijo poem. I still have the inquiry around Generative AI in my mind, apparently.

This machine
eats all our words
and spits them out

neither asks
our approval
or permission

It only
edges us writers
into extinction

Peace (and writing),

Using AI To Animate Drawings

I came upon this site via ETMOOC2 and wondered about it’s potential for play in the classroom. It’s called Animated Drawings and is fueled by an AI engine via Meta (uh oh). It’s very simple to use: upload a drawing, and follow the steps, and get your drawing put into small bits of motion — dancing, walking, jumping, etc.

I did two experiments. One with a large face with small body and one with a saxophone body. I tried one with a starfish drawing but it just didn’t work. It was really weird.

Peace (and Motion),

Poem: Triptych Panels

Triptych: A Panel in Three Poems

This morning’s one-word prompt off Mastodon was “triptych” so I crafted a poem in three parts, and then tried to do a bit of visual maneuvering with the stanzas, creating three panels, and then putting it up on display.

Watching Triptych: A Panel in Three Poems

Peace (in three parts),

Planet Money: Making A Podcast Written and Narrated By AI

Philips radio
Philips radio flickr photo by n0i2 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Planet Money, the podcast from NPR, just did a three-part series on exploring how Generative AI (like ChatGPT and Audio AI) could be used to create a podcast, and it is pretty fascinating, the journey they go on. I highly suggest a listen.

The final episode, with a script written entirely by ChatGPT – including a radio story script to demonstrate the theme of how machines changed an industry (telephone operators) — and co-hosted by an AI replicated voice file of a retired Planet Money host (Robert Smith) is in the third episode here.

Peace (and Podcasts),


Sodoku-Style Poem: Space Is A Canvas Of The Unknown

Space Is A Canvas of the Unknown (Soduku Poem)

How to read:

*For traditional 5-7-5 haiku, read across – top left to top right (or in reverse) or bottom left to bottom right (or in reverse) – or diagonal – top left to bottom right (or in reverse) – or down – top left to bottom left.
*For non-traditional 7-7-7 haiku, read middle left to middle right (or in reverse), or middle top to middle down (or in reverse).
*Or heck, just mix and match, and see where that brings ya!

Inspired by Mary Lee at and Kat Lehman at 

Peace (and Poems),