Why I read …

Yesterday, I wrote a post about Why I Blog (please add your reasons, too, as it helps me in my own reflections). Last night, as I was reading the essay by Nicholas Carr entitled Is Google Making Us Stupid? in the Best Technology Writing of 2009 (I know I know — everyone else in the world has read it and discussed it. I’m late for the party), I realized that much of the argument being made by Carr is similar to what I have been experiencing with reading lately. Still, something about his reasoning did not quite sit right with me.

But, why do I read? And is my presence on the web impacting my reading habits?

I’ve been a reader since I can remember and spent much of my childhood curled up next to books. I’d read voraciously and in all kinds of genre, although my favorite was and still is good science fiction. (There is plenty of bad science fiction). I read because it transformed me into other places, through the eyes of other characters. I could escape. I could explore, and I could do it alone. This appealed to me as a reader.

Carr, in The Atlantic piece, suggests that our reading on the Internet has become that of “power skimmer,” cruising across the surface of information as opposed to going deep into one thing. Carr admits there are benefits to this (he is a freelance writer and so he now has a world of information at his keyboard) but he worries that this kind of reading is rewiring our brains in a way that is making sustained deep reading more and more difficult. The joy of being lost in a test for long stretches of time are fewer and fewer, he writes. His metaphor is that of someone jet skiing over the top of the ocean as opposed to scuba diving down into the world below.

So here is where I found an echo in my own thinking lately.

This past year, more than most, I have started and abandoned an alarming number of novels. I’ve tried to keep my interest up, gotten far enough to know it was not just laziness and then, poof, decided that the book was not worth my time. I’d toss it aside, and then worry: am I losing my skills  as a reader? Can I no longer sustain my attention? Carr suggests, yes, and puts some of the blame on my brain being rewired by my time on the computer.

I’ve also delved into graphic novels and one thing I do like about them is that I can finish them in short bursts. I love the intersection of art and writing, but I can’t help but wonder if the ability to read a graphic novel in a day or two isn’t part of the appeal for me (and for others, perhaps).

The more I think about it, though, the more I wonder if I am just being more judicious in what I read and have less patience for what I consider bad writing. I used to feel an obligation to finish a book when I started it, as if I owed the writer something (even though I paid the money for the words). It’s possible, too, that technology has made me a more engaged reader, in that I think I know what I want and I am reading more and more kinds of writing.

The world of words is open farther than ever before and I don’t have to sit still when I am not being moved by a writer’s craft. I may have an obligation as a reader to immerse myself into the writer’s head, but the writer has an obligation to give me a path there that I can believe in. In some ways, technology makes me see this relationship in a new light — at blogs and other sites, I can engage with writers and books directly. My expectations as a reader have changed.

Life is too short for feeling like I am stuck in a book just because I cracked it open and my time, too valuable. I want a book that engages and entertains me, not bores me. As I get older (more a factor than my use of technology, I am convinced), I am less likely to remain patience with books that don’t engage me.

I read because I want to be inspired. The moments when I put down a book and think, “My Gosh, that was an incredible journey,”  may be few and far between, but when they happen, they are like thundershots in the night and spur me on as writer. (The last book to that was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Foer).

A good book makes me want to run out and write. Just as I wrote about why I blog, I read because I am a writer.

Peace (in the books),


Why I blog ….

I am reading a collection of articles from the book The Best Technology Writing of 2009 . I’m not very far in yet (the first piece is about Griefers, people in online worlds who try to make the games a miserable experience for others, which was unsettling to read) but last night,  I was very deep into an essay by Andrew Sullivan about why he blogs.  The piece is called “Why I blog.” In it, Sullivan goes deep into the value and pitfalls of the blogging world and it made me think about the same question: Why do I blog?

It seems to me that people blog for different reasons, at least in the circles that I wander. Some just post links to resources. Others write about their experiences as teachers, or as parents. Some share actual writing (short stories, images, etc.). Some use their space as a journal. Others, for a platform for videos and/or audio.

So, what I am doing here at this blog?

First, some background. I created this space about 1,250 blog posts ago (in years, that is about 3 1/2 years ago). I was spurred on to do it by a friend from the National Writing Project, who was blogging herself as a special education teacher in DC (see her blog) and she could not believe that I was not doing it, too. I was using blogs with my students at that time, so I knew about what blogging was and how to use it. But I was not blogging myself. Not as a writer. Not as a teacher. This was during my wonderful summer of technology known as Tech Matters, out in Chico, California, and Maria’s excitement and encouragement was all that I needed to check out this Edublog platform. I signed up and was off. I named it Kevin’s Meandering Mind because I knew I would be moving in different directions, writing about teaching but also music, writing, family and more. It’s a wide path I follow, which may frustrate the reader (sorry) but that freedom keeps me thoroughly engaged. I started out with some reflections on Tech Matters (see my very first post here at this blog), and then later, I began doing some podcasting of my history as a songwriter.

Many, many posts later, I am still here in this space I created in 2006 in Chico. So, why do I blog?

I blog because the act of writing gives me a chance to reflect on what I am doing. I am one of those who learns by doing and who understands by writing, and although I could do that writing in a paper journal, I admit that I like the stage of the world. The act of reflection in this space collects my thoughts as a portfolio (God forbid, the whole thing crashes, right?) and I often go back to see what I wrote about certain projects or ideas.

Like Andrew Sullivan, I see the blog as a different kind of space than writing for publication, which requires more in-depth thought and work to sustain an idea over a stretch of time. A post on the blog is what is on my mind right now — right this minute (although sometimes, an idea peculates for a spell before it spills out of my fingers). The immediacy of the action of blogging has always attracted me. I write fast, and when I write, I let my mind take over and just let it go (see reference to Meandering Mind above). Sometimes, I am surprised by what comes out on the screen. It has always been this way with me as a writer. I let myself surprise myself. A pencil slows me down. A keyboard is the perfect companion to my thoughts. And a blog to me is a perfect platform from which to write.

I blog to explore. There are so many cool tools out there, and so many more just bubbling up, that it becomes difficult to gauge the value for the classroom and for learning. We could rely on others to test things out and evaluate, but why not do that ourselves? I am one of those fools who jumps in, tries it out and then comes out the other side, ready to write about what I see as possibilities and drawbacks. I blog to share that with the world, and hopefully, here and there, I spark some interest in others. I would never have had that possibility before the world of blogs.

I blog to bring ideas into my own classroom — from webcomics, to stop-motion movie making, to creating publishing platforms for them as writers. I blog to see possibilities.

I blog because it has brought me into a rich world of collaboration and friendship. I have people all around the world with whom I have joined together with to create videos (the Collaborative ABC Project), photos (Photofridays), writing about our lives (Slice of Life), reflecting within the confines of a sentence (Day in a Sentence) and many others too numerous to name. This blog is the heart of much of that activity and I love how it expands my world exponentially.

Why do I blog? I blog because I am a writer.

Peace (in reflection),

Reflecting on the K12 Online Conference

I’ve been trying to make time here and there for the K12 Online Conference 2009, which is just finishing up after a two-week run. I know the conference never ends (great tagline) but I feel as if I need to be engaged now, as it unfolds, or I lose the threads.

I’ve expressed concern to the K12 folks (who should be commended for all the work they do to pull this together — it’s an amazing array of resources and entry points) about the confusing path of multiple platforms of the conference, and no clear point where participant should enter the discussions with presenters. Do I add a comment at the K12 Online Blog? Or the K12 Online Ning? First, I need to find the K12 Online Wiki to get the schedule … etc. I think the Ning is the way to go but I suspect that it is blocked in a lot of school districts with filters. I just know that I was and remain confused at times (some presenters put their work on the Ning; some, not.) about where my voice belongs.


That said, there are some amazing resources in the K12 Online Conference this year. Here are a few that I engaged in during the past two weeks.

  • Little Kids, Big Possibilities by Kelly Hines: This was a great way to show how technology tools can be used even with younger students to engage them. Kelly lays out a few possibilities (I ended up using Wallwisher the same day I saw her presentation). I liked the way she walked the viewers through steps and rationale.
  • The iPod Touch in the Classroom by Kern Kelley: I think 201o will be the year of mobile devices in the classroom, but I worry it be because it is tech on the cheap as opposed to tech that makes sense for the classroom. Kern gives us an overview of some of the possibilities with the iTouch and each day, it seems, more and more apps are being shared by teachers that have learning possibilities.
  • Using E-Books to Motivate Pupils Writing by Colin Hill: Colin explores the ways that online publishing can transform writing and engage young writers in meaningful ways. I expressed some concerns about sites with no advertising, but if you teach young writers, this presentation is definitely worth your time. Plus, some of the student samples that Colin shares are so darn cute and engaging.
  • Options for Building Your Teacher Website by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn: This is a good primer for teachers who want to create a web presence but are not sure how to begin or where to go. At this point, I think, most teachers should have some digital footprint for their class. I guess that is my opinion, but I know, I am frustrated that I can’t even glimpse the work being done by my own kids because their teachers are doing nothing online.
  • You Might be a 21st Century Leader if… by David Wells: David’s message is for administrator, so I felt like a spy from the teaching ranks in the back of the room. I made the comment that David’s assertion that all administrators realize that the world is changing may be wrong. Some, but not all. And teachers experience this reality when they run into walls around filtering and access and professional development. You may want to send this presentation to your principal.
  • Keeping the Literacy in 21st Century Literacies by Drew Schrader: How can you resist that title? Drew brings us into some tools of the Web (screentoaster, prezi, etc) and tries to remind us to keep a focus on the literacy that these tools can enhance. Don’t get caught up in the tool so much that you lose sight of the learning. This is a message I try to keep rambling through my head.
  • To Those Who Want to Rock-Don’t Suppose Compose! by Carol Broos and Carol Vrotny: Ahhh. Music. I liked that there was space here for bringing the composing process into the mix of teaching, and these two colleagues explain the rationale for music teachers to embrace the tools that move students from listener to composer. Nice.
  • The Digital Writer’s Workshop by Jackie Gerstein: Jackie brings us into her classroom to see how she has integrated technology with her students. I loved the scene where her kids are interviewing the developers of Tikatok books via Skype. Just think how empowered those young writers must have felt as they peppered their virtual visitor with questions.
  • Using VideoAnt Annotations to Provide “Audience-Based” Assessment to Students’ Video Productions by Richard Beach: This was my first view of VideoAnt (thanks to Gail P. for giving me the heads-up on this one). It seems like an intriguing way to help students engaged in video work by making notes right on the video itself. But, it seems to me that this won’t work for me because the video files have to be in a place like YouTube, and I use Vimeo. I’ll keep exploring, however.
  • OpenSim: Open Learning by Timothy Hart: I started this presentation and then got caught up in other things and need to get back. I am intrigued by how gaming and open source can be used in the classroom, and Tim seems to know his stuff.
  • Steal this Preso:  Copyrights, Fair Use, and Pirates in the Classroom by Mathew Needleman: Matt always creates interesting presentations and this one is no exception. He explores the world of fair use in the classroom and reminds us to consider the legalities of teachers and students using the work of others in the digital world.

Here are the presentations I hope to come back to view later:

Have you journeyed into the K12 Online Conference? What have you explored?

Peace (in the exploration),

Bringing the Koran into Class

I’ve been trying to share my adventure in teaching the young reader’s version of Three Cups of Tea to my sixth graders. For the most part, they are enjoying it (and don’t seem as stymied by the relatively poor writing craft as I am) and it has brought up interesting topics and discussions around cultural divides, doing the right thing at the right moment, and survival.

Yesterday, for example, we read the chapter where Greg Mortenson gets kidnapped and held captive for seven days in a small room. On the floor is an old Time Magazine, with a cover story about the Iran Hostage Crisis. Remember that? Remember how every day for more than a year the headline on the newspapers (remember them?) had stories about the Americans in Iran?

My students had never heard of it, and I had to launch into a drive through my memory banks about that time and what itstill means for the global political world today (ie, the leaders of that Iranian Revolution are still in power today and still distrust the United States.) The other day, I had to give a flash history lesson about the creation of Pakistan as it was carved out of India (thanks a lot, Great Britain, you really messed that one up) and in the chapter they are now reading, the issue of Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan comes up.

I bring this up, too, because the religion of Islam is new to most of my students, but not all. I have a student who has come to us from Turkey and he has been a spirited voice in reading the book (and he is an ESL student making great progress but still struggling … but this book has engaged him). Yesterday, my student brought in his Koran, which Greg asks for while he is being held captive. It is artistically beautiful, and written entirely in Arabic, which allowed us to talk about different languages in the world — from alphabetic to symbolic.

I made a photocopy of the first page for all of my students and they were completely taken over by it, trying to sound out the symbols, and we talked about the role of the Koran to the Muslim world. I am so happy that my student took it upon himself to bring part of his world into our classroom, and allowed for some open discussions. I am trying to make sure he doesn’t feel like the spotlight is on him — you know, the one African-American in the room when you talk about racism syndrome — but I appreciate whatever views of the Middle East that he can bring to the discussions, too.

We also want to take action. Our school has been part of the Pennies for Peace initiative, and now, a few students and I are beginning to plan a Rock and Roll Concert for late January to raise more money for the school-building foundation and also, to collect book donations to send down to New Orleans schools that continue to struggle.

Peace (in the world),

Using Webspiration for Brainstorming

There are plenty of mindmapping sites now out there, but yesterday, I decided that my students would use Webspiration, the online companion to the very popular Inspiration software. Webspiration is wonderful and I sing its praises. It’s free (yeah). It’s easy to use (yeah). And you can share and embed the concept maps that you create on other websites (yeah).

I wonder why it is free since it does much of what Inspiration can do, although I guess the newest versions of the software has a lot of bells, whistles and possibilities. I just wanted a site for some collective brainstorming and Webspiration sure fit the bill.

Here’s what we were doing: As we are reading Three Cups of Tea, we are talking deep about the theme of the book — how a character is faced with challenges and then overcomes those challenges. In this book, as most people know by now, the protagonist — Greg Mortenson — wants to build a school in Pakistan but runs into roadblocks every step of the way.

Next week, my students will be writing in-depth about the challenges to building a school, so we worked on a concept map to help them think through the challenges.

Here is what one class came up with (by the way — if you are in Google Reader or some RSS, you may not see the embed so here is a direct link to the Webspiration map):

Peace (in the map),

The Edublog Award Winners for 2009

Last night, the winners of this year’s Edublog Awards were announced. There were tweets all over the place as the ceremony was taking place (virtual, of course), but I did have to search around this morning and found the list. Too bad our Longfellow Ten site of student movies didn’t make it, but hopefully, the site got some play and maybe some other teachers might join us this year for stopmotion movies. Anyone?

But I was happy to see my friends — Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers — catch a win for their great work around sharing best writing practice.

Best Individual Blog is Free Technology For Teachers (Richard Byrne)

Best Individual Tweeter is Web2.0Classroom (Steven Anderson)

Best Group Blog is MacMillan Dictionary Blog

Best New Blog is Kirsten Winkler

Best Class Blog is Billings Middle School Tech Class Blog

Best Student Blog is Civil War Sallie

Best Resource Sharing Blog is Free Technology for Teachers (Richard Byrne)

Most Influential Blog Post is Anseo.net’s Head in the Clouds

Most Influential Tweet Series #edchat

Best Teacher Edublog is Two Writing Teachers (TIGHT CATEGORY!)

Best Library/Librarian Blog is Never Ending Search

Best Educational Tech Support Blog is iLearn Technology

Best ELearning/Corporate Blog is MPB Reflections — 21st Century Teaching and Learning

Best Educational Use of Audio is Xyleme Voices Podcasts

Best Educational Use of Video/Visual is Bitacora de Ánibal de la Torre

Best Educational Wiki Greetings From The World

Best Educational Use of a Social Networking Site is English Companion Ning

Best Educational Use of a Virtual World is Virtual Graduation at the University of Edinburgh

Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Karl Fisch

Peace (in exploration),

What kids are reading: a report

What Kids Are Reading Cover

This report is worth a read — it is a look by Renaissance Learning at books that kids have been reading in 2008-2009 school year (based on data from Accelerated Reading programs, so just keep that in mind).

Here is the PDF of the report

Looking at the sixth grade list, some fiction titles jump out:

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney
  • Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (plus all of her other books)
  • The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
  • Hatchet by Gary Paulson
  • A variety of Lemony Snicket books
  • And more

Neat and in time for anyone wanting to buy a book gift for a young person.

Peace (in the pages),

Writing Prompts for Techno Kids

I came across this post by Sharon at TeacherlyTech in my RSS and it had me thinking. She explains how she tries to develop writing prompts that speak to the interests of her students, with slants towards technology. I love that idea. Here is what she shared as a few possibilities:

(1) What’s in your iPod? What do your playlists say about you as a person?
(2) What are the rights and wrongs of text messaging during class?
(3) Should you friend your teachers, employers, or other authority figures on social networking sites?
(4) What are the worst Facebook/MySpace faux pas your friends should be warned against?
(5) What was the most significant TV show (or video game or pop star or other media presence) of your childhood? How did it influence your life?

I wonder what I might add? Here are a few off the top of my head.

  • What would the html source code look like if you were a webpage?
  • Design and label a personal computing device that will be on the market in 10 years.
  • Explain in steps something (a concept or a piece of equipment) about technology that you understand but which your parents do not.
  • If you were the teacher, what technology would you allow students to use for learning and why?
  • Write a persuasive paragraph that argues for me (your teacher) showing you a certain tool of technology that we don’t already use (but which you use outside of the school).
  • Write a short story in which the main character is a minor character from one of the video games that you play (or know about).
  • Imagine you are going to produce a video for Youtube and you can earn $1 for every view it gets. What will your video be about and what would you need to make it happen?

Thanks, Sharon, for the inspiration. I wonder if other folks have suggestions, too?

Peace (in the prompts),