Seeking Sponsors for 30 poems/30 days

In our small city, we have our own poet laureate. This year, it is Leslea Newman (who gained some national exposure with her then-controversial picture book “Heather has Two Mommies”). Newman is a wonderful poet, gifted author and creative force in our area. She has even done some work with my Western Massachusetts Writing Project.

Newman put out a call recently for local residents to take part in an event known as the 30 Poems in 30 Days event. This is both a way to get people to write (yeah!) and to generate funds for a worthy organization that provides free services to immigrant families in our region (double-yeah!). Here is an article about the event.

Yesterday, I created a Google Form and asked folks in my virtual networks to consider sponsoring me as a poet by pledging a small amount of money per poem that I will write in November. (I will be posting the poems here at this blog and also as part of an online writing network through National Writing Project known as the iAnthology).

I am quite humbled to see that I already have 11 people signed up. Thank you thank you thank you.

If you would like to consider sponsoring me, please fill out the following form. I deeply appreciate any help you can give and although I am a bit nervous about writing so many poems, I am going to channel the little red engine and say, “I think I can …. I think I can …” and go where the creative energy takes me.

Peace (in the poems),

The Linux Penguin to the Rescue

Boolean gives more details about his dream in which Apple and Microsoft represent his conscience and just when he is caught in the conundrum of hacking dilemma, along comes a penguin …

Peace (in the code),

Boolean, Apple and Microsoft

Today, Boolean explains a dream that he has had, in which Apple and Microsoft icons are his “inner voice.” My original thought was to have cartoons of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, but I wasn’t sure whether I could pull it off and if I might run into copyright issues (something Boolean would not give a hoot about). I think the icons are more effective, though.
App challenge 7

Peace (in the hack),

Let ’em create …

Last week, I introduced my students to our closed ToonDoo Comic Site and set them free. We did a mini-lesson around our vocabularly words, but to be honest, we barely had time for them to create much. But they were so excited when I said they could create comics at home from the site, if they wanted.

I guess they wanted …

This weekend, I have been monitoring a bunch of activity on the site, with a few dozen comics being created by a large number of students. Most of them comics are just exploration, although one posted a comic without any dialogue and began asking for others to provide the text through the use of the comment box. Neat.

I liked this one because it says a lot about this class of students. They are nice kids and open to a lot of differences amongst them. In the comment part of this comic, a lot of students wrote that they loved this comic and noted “how true” the message is.

Peace (in and outside of the box),

Hacking into Mr. Teach

Here, my story arc with Boolean and the Imagination App Challenge continues. Boolean is designing a Grade Remorse Calculator and needs to do a bit of hacking to get data.

Peace (in the app),

Today .. I Get to Write

I’m excited. Today, I found some time in the weekend schedule (thank you, honey) to join the first of a series of Writing Marathons being sponsored by my Western Massachusetts Writing Project. We’re gathering over at Smith College for a few hours, just to write, share and connect.

What am I going to write today? I have a whole list of ideas and am struggling with what to focus on (a common problem — thus, Kevin’s Meandering Mind).

Here are some ideas:

  • More Boolean Squared. I have a handful of potential stories and ideas for my comic and it would be nice to have time to write them and begin putting them together.
  • Our new bike path in Leeds. I love it but people are already leaving trash along the edges. That drives me nuts. And it lends creedance to those who advocate AGAINST bike paths. I’m thinking of a letter to the editor on this one.
  • I started a piece about how I write for myself, but in a public sphere (such as this blog) and what that means. I’m not sure what that means and the piece needs a lot of work.
  • This year, I am co-teaching an inclusion classroom for the first time (well, I piloted it a bit last year) and I would love to write about how that is going and what we are learning along the way. It’s been a day-to-day navigation, made easier by the fact that we get along so well. But, I wonder, what if we didn’t get along? This so-called system we have right now would just fall apart.
  • Short stories and poems. Got a head full of possibilities there.

Oh well, we’ll see where it goes. If you live in Western Mass and want to join us, we’re meeting at the Smith College Art Museum at 11 a.m. Bring a lunch, something to write with and a $3 fee to cover some costs.

Peace (in the words),

Six Sounds in Search of an Author

I saw a contest in my RSS called Six Sounds in Search of an Author and followed the link to the ISTE site and was intrigued.

The task: take the six sound clips and create a podcast story of some sort. The whole thing can’t be more than a minute long. Interesting, for sure. I began by looking at what the sounds were, and then listening, and then trying to make connections between them.

The story came to me quickly — a person trapped in a cave — and composed this story. I then recorded it in Audacity– mixing in the sound clips —  and sent it in. I like it.

Here is my audio story. I’m not asking you to vote, but if you do — thanks.

You should give the Six Sound story a try, too. Go to: and check it out.

I imagine you could easily bring this kind of contest into the classroom, given enough time.  The art of constructing a sound story is amazingly complex thinking — from planning, to writing, to production. And of course, this is the whole idea of the contest — trying out something yourself and thinking in terms of classroom practice.

Peace (in the cave),

Do you write with your students?

I write with my students all the time. Sometimes, I pull up to an empty desk and plop myself down and just write. And I share what I write. Not just what I write, but I talk through my writing process — about what I stumbled on, where my idea came from and what I would do if I were to revise my writing. My goal is to make my writing process transparent to my students.

The Exquisite Corpse As an example, we are following the development of a story called The Exquisite Corpse, which was started by Jon Scieszka and every two weeks for the next year, another published author is adding a chapter to this funny, bizarre adventure story (this week, Katherine Patterson added a chapter). Scieska put forth a whole bunch of strange characters that must be included before the the story ends. Here is what Scieszka writes:

If the train makes it over the last treacherous gorge, there is a good chance that you and Nancy and Joe will have to deal with werewolves and mad scientists, real ninjas and fake vampires, one roller-skating baby, a talking pig, creatures from another planet (possibly another dimension), killer poetry, clues from classic children’s books, two easy riddles, several bad knock knock jokes, plenty of explosions, a monkey disguised as a pirate, two meatballs, a blue plastic Star Wars lunch box (missing its matching thermos), three ticking clocks, and not just one bad guy – but a whole army of villains, cads, scalawags, sneaks, rats, varmints and swindlers. Also several desperados, a gang of evildoers, and one just plain bad egg.

We’re using these chapters as inspiration for our own version of the next chapters, and then comparing what the published writer did compared to what we did. It’s been great fun already.

The other day, this is what I wrote after Katherine Patterson left us dangling with a cliffhanger, in which a shadowy figure approaches the two main characters, who have just tightrope walked across the mangled remains of an exploded train bridge. This is where I picked up the story:

The voice struck a nerve with the twins. Like Boppo the mad clown, the Pirate King was like some bad memory that they had tried to forget, but could not. And here he was, standing before them with his sword in one hand and his feather-plume hat flapping in the wind like a bird’s wings.

“You two kids are not easy to track, but thanks to my spies, I found you,” the Pirate King shouted.

“Spies,” Nancy whispered.

“Yes, spies. Porters on the train.. They’ve been keeping track of you all this time. When the train stopped, I knew it was time to act.”

The Pirate King said this in such a way that the kids knew he was not the one who had planted the explosives on the bridge. He seemed as surprised by the turn of events as they were. The Pirate King and Boppo were not in cahoots together.

‘What do you … want?” Joe cried out.

“The map.”

“What map? We don’t have a map,” Nancy said.

Off the distance, something was taking shape in the sky. Joe could not be sure what it was. It a small speck, growing larger. The Pirate King had his back to the object. But Nancy gave Joe a look, as if to say, “What is that?”

Joe shrugged. The Pirate King was still talking about the map and as he rambled on, Nancy suddenly realized that what he was describing was the card they had received from their parents. That’s it! The birthday card was really a map! And the dark shape – the one they share on their own feet – that was where the treasure lay that the Pirate King wanted!

She barely had time to think of this when the dark shape was now visible. And both of them could see what it was – a hang glider with a large bowling ball dangling down on a rope. The glider was being guided by baby, whose feet were covered in a large pair of pink roller skates.

By the time the Pirate King realized something was coming, it was too late. The bowling ball smacked him hard on the head, knocking him to the ground. It was the moment Joe was waiting for. He grabbed his sister – who was too stunned to do a thing except watch the hang-gliding roller-skating baby float past them – by the arm and dragged her forward.

“We need to find the birthday card,” he shouted. He turned back to see the Pirate King coming back to life, rubbing his head. “And we need to do it before he does!”

The two kids took a deep breath and began to tightrope their way back across the ravine, going right back the way they came. They never expected the gust of air to come so suddenly, and so violently, and so, they had little time to react when both lost their footing on the rail and felt themselves begin to tumble downward towards the dark river below.

Such fun. And I see that Kate Camillo is the next author on tap. I can’t wait to see what she did.

Peace (in the story),

Mr. Teach and the Imagination App Challenge

Here, in this installment of my series of comics around developing an app for a MeTouch device, Mr. Teach gives the overview and criteria for the work ahead (Why do we always have to suck the fun out of learning with assessment, eh?). The boys, of course, are not even listening. They are too excited about the project.

(Thanks to folks in my networks for giving me ideas for potential apps. The Teacher Detector idea here is based on some ideas from Joel Malley.)

Peace (in the drone of teachers),