Old Paths, Newly Revisited: NetNarr and WalkMyWorld

I am dipping my toes into new iterations of two projects that I have participated in as “open participant” in the past — Networked Narratives: Net Mirror (with Mia and Alan) and Walk My World: 2021 (with Ian). Like some others (such as my friend and collaborator, Wendy), I might tangle the two together, bundling […]

A #Walkmyworld Denoument/Digital Portfolio

For the past several weeks, I have been intermittently involved with the Walk My World project, which is a series of learning events designed around reflective practice on the themes of identity, composing with digital media and connected learning. It’s been a blast, and I appreciate the work and support that Ian and Greg (in […]

Walking Portfolio for #Walkmyworld

I know there are a few more learning events for Walk My World (including the last one around heroic myths and the current one around the Story of Us) but I had pulled together a sort of digital portfolio via ThingLink as a way to capture the projects I had been doing since the start. […]

A #Walkmyworld Poem: Make Your Mark Upon the World

I am working on a mapping project as a way to document what I have been doing for Walk My World. I know there are a few more learning events to go (we just slipped into the Hero one), but I feel I need to do this digital documentation now. This poem/podcast is an overarching […]

A #Walkmyworld Blog Tribute Remix

I don’t know if can keep it up but I am trying to do a Zeega-a-day before the site closes up to the world on making new Zeegas. Yesterday, Ian O’Byrne posted a wonderful blog post, reflecting on the latest Learning Event for Walk My World that had to do with totems and identity. I […]

Curation Collection: Where I Walked in #Walkmyworld

One of our final tasks for the #walkmyworld project is to curate our work, using Storify. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would, but having it all in one place makes a lot of sense. Here is a bit of where I walked. I decided to curate around themes, not around […]

When #walkmyworld met #sol14 (poetry ensues)

(This is part of the Slice of Life Challenge with Two Writing Teachers. We write about small moments each and every day for March. You come, too. Write with us.)   Yesterday, I found my writing brain toggling between a new poetry writing event with the #walkmyworld project and thinking about Slice of Life, so […]

Write Yourselves into a Poem: A #Walkmyworld Call to Writing

I may be wrong but it seems like we are at an important juncture in the #walkmyworld project, where the shift from documenting and sharing our worlds towards reflecting through poetry hopefully will begin. I’m not sure how ready people are, though, as that leap from putting the lens on things around us (we can […]

#Walkmyworld Kinetic Poetry: I Walk with Wonder

A shift is underway in the #Walkmyworld Project towards using our documentation of our world as the kernal of digital poetry. I took a shot of footprints from our back yard and wrote a poem, and then decided to try my hand at kinetic poetry (where the words/type can move). These two screenshots show the […]

A #Walkmyworld Storify Collection

I’ve been trying to collect and document what I have been up to with the #walkmyworld project with Storify. Here’s what I have so far: [View the story “My Own Little #Walkmyworld Stories” on Storify] Peace (in the walk), Kevin