Deepening Connections: Teacher Ranger Teacher Program

The National Parks Service

Although I have been connected through my work with the Western Massachusetts Writing Project to the Springfield Armory National Historic Site (through facilitation of youth writing camps, professional development for educators, the Write Out initiative each October , and more), this summer I am going to be getting a little deeper into the workings of this Western Massachusetts National Park site.

I was selected to take part in the NPS Teacher Ranger Teacher program, which is an intensive summer of work exploring place-based learning and spending time at the Springfield Armory to learn more about the myriad of aspects that go into a place with deep historical roots to our country (as its first federal arsenal). There will also be a project that I will be developing for the site.

Part of the work is a graduate level course through the University of Colorado: Denver and I am looking forward to the place-based and park-based activities.

Learn more about the TRT program.

Peace (and learning),

Song For The Flood

This was something I created as part of a larger commemoration project for the 150th anniversary of the Mill River Flood.

Peace (and song),

Music Themes In Morning

Sunshine Guitar

It’s not unusual for me to use music as my theme for some morning creativity — either making it or using music to inspire writing or art. This morning was no different, with my morning poem (with prompt of “sunshine” off Mastodon) leading to a guitar haiku poem and the DS106 Daily Create (“complete this picture“) leading me to imagine a bent trumpet.

Awkward Trumpet

Peace (and sound),

Poems: Mill River Flood Commemoration

Mill River Flood Commemoration

All month, I’ve been writing and sharing a series of poems inspired by historical document “pins” (information posters placed at various points along the way) that have been placed to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Mill River Flood here where I live in Western Massachusetts. My initial plan was to write a poem for every pin but there were just too many pins (70+) but I still used quite a few of the pins from the StoryMap project that digitally renders the story of the flood.

My aim was to understand the story of the flood on another level by engaging with the historical pins as texts. I already had knowledge of the flood and it devastating impact on the village where I live (many people died — the dam was faulty — the rich mill owners never had to pay the price for cutting corners).

You can either read my poems forward (following the pins, which followed the waters as the dam broke and the river surged forward) or read them in reverse (using the hashtag I created to track the poems) to track the impact of the flood from downriver, upward.

Mill River/Leeds Artwork

This beautiful artwork by my neighbor – Heidi Stevens — was featured as part of a commemoration ceremony we had this month, where the names of all victims of the flood were read aloud, so that we — the community — would not forget them. Heidi used found river glass for her work. We still find glass, pottery, buttons and other materials in the river, an echo of the past in the form of lost objects.

Peace (flows forward),

Made In A Morning

Music Note

No real reason to post these but the sketch art above is from a Daily Create prompt and the poem below is from a Mastodon prompt.

Sing Cicada Sing

Peace (sharing it),

Mill River Flood: Art

Yesterday, at a 150th commemoration of a tragic river flood due to faulty dam by wealthy mill owners, some local artists shared their work, using found objects from the river that still surface — glass, buttons, ceramics, tools, and more.

I used two of those art pieces (map and collage) for this digital remembrance (we also read the names of those from our village who lost their lives that day in 1874.)

Peace (and remembrance),