A Foolproof Guide to Daily Creating

ds106 is Open
ds106 is Open flickr photo by cogdogblog shared into the public domain using Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

(Note: this blog post is via a daily prompt from the DS106 Daily Create, which had us using a site to generate titles for a blog post and then to write that blog post. My phrase for the blog title machine was “Daily Create” and the title it gave me: A Foolproof Guide to Daily Creating.)

The thing to know about the DS106 Daily Create is that each day’s prompt is designed to take a little bit of time, but to generate a short burst of creativity and connected-ness into the day. Here, then, is a relatively foolproof way of engaging with the Daily Create each morning (with permission to bend and break any step, as per the Daily Create ethos).

  • Head to the DS106 Daily Create site each day. The prompts for making and creating and connecting are auto-posted early (thank to Alan and Sarah and others) and change once a day. (Wanna a random prompt? Click here)
  • Ponder the concept of the Create. It could be art. It could be sound. It could be image. It could be words. It could be video. Hard to know. You stumble into the beautifully unexpected.
  • Make art. Don’t stress about perfection. Create.
  • Share your work on your preferred social media site (maybe with the #ds106 hashtag) or not.
  • Go on with your day, knowing you have already accomplished something magical with whatever you made for the Daily Create.
  • If time, check the hashtag to see what others have done and celebrate the variations of thinking and creating. Connect.
  • Repeat the process the next day (and maybe think about submitting your own idea for the Daily Create) and then next day and the next day and the next day …

Peace (and pointers),

One Comment
  1. Foolproof indeed and dog approved. Another aspect might, as you demonstrated in use and comment on my photo, is to always be attributing as a way of saying thanks.

    I hope to use this post to tell a new group about the power of daily creates. Thanks for writing it for me!

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