I made it back from San Antonio on time, and with no fuss, and still brimming with the experiences of connecting and re-connecting with so many wonderful teachers in our National Writing Project network who openly share ideas. (I will be posting some podcasts from the main session later and share out the workshop that I co-presented on The Writing Processes of Digital Stories).
When we return home to our Western Massachusetts Writing Project, we are asked to write a one page reflection on our experiences, so here is is mine (as a Scribd file):
Peace (in sharing),
Here is a link to our Monograph book: http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/2721
Your report on the conference is going to take a while to digest. For now, I am stopping after reading about your Friday morning session. It has brought up a number of thought provoking questions and comments. We should have an after school discussion, kind of free style (with the prerequisite snacks of course,) to bring out our own thoughts on what writing means to us and our students. I know that for the kindergarten level, developing a writer’s voice is the most important thing. We will also be teaching the conventions as we go along but being able to tell your story and have a good time doing it is where we focus. That’s why we hold the pen for most of early writing.
Going on to your point about enlisting journalists in the process sounds more than reasonable. I imagine more than a couple would be interested in developing a piece about how we teach writing in schools.
Welcome back.
Make that Friday Afternoon session
Hey Kevin, Great to read your reflections on the convention. I’ve spent the morning reading all about the NCTE conference and how it focused on 21st Century Learning. Wow, I wish I could have been there. I’m so hungry to know more, so I keep reading all the blogs of people who attended. Bravo that 50 people came to your workshop. That’s awesome! ~T