“Totally Wired” finalist

http://mashup.ypulse.com/tween/images/logo_ypulse.gifWell, this is a nice surprise. I was informed yesterday that I was a finalist in the Ypulse Totally Wired Teacher Award.  The winner was another sixth grade teacher who has been doing some amazing things to connect kids and teachers around science. He deserved the top honors, for sure.

The award is sponsored by the Ypulse website, which provides content around kids and technology (Ypulse editor, Anastasia Goodstein, wrote the book: Totally Wired: What Teens & Tweens Are Really Doing Online); and Dell’s education division. As one of two finalists, I get a new Netbook for the classroom, so that’s pretty neat.

The site explains:

The goal of the award is to recognize a teacher who has overcome these challenges and is inspiring to both students and other educators. Dell’s support for this initiative is part of a longstanding commitment to supporting educators who lead by example, demonstrating for students the power of technology to enhance learning and achievement.

Peace (in the thanks),

One Comment
  1. Congrats on being recognized as a finalist! I know that I check your blog almost daily to see what new technology I can use to reach my students. You have really inspired me to promote ToonDoo and Animoto with my gifted classes and they LOVE it! When others on my language arts team ask me how I know about these sites and these technology activities, I just point them to your site. Thanks!

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