Supporting the Funny Pages

Image: DailyINK app for the iPhone

from DailyINK

The other day, I received an email newsletter from a friend of mine, Hilary Price, who writes and draws the Rhymes with Orange syndicated comic strip that I just adore. (I think I can call her my friend, since she has visited my webcomic camp a few times, and I have loaned her a few graphic novels, and she returns my email and phone calls. We don’t hang out or anything. I guess in this day and age, friends are people with connections.)

Anyway, Hilary noted that, among other interesting endeavors, her comic strip is now part of the DailyINK site, a digital home for a slew of syndicated comics. She noted that there is now an App on iTunes for DailyINK and urged us to at least consider supporting comics by purchasing the DailyINK subscription (it’s $19.99 for the entire year or $1.99 a month).

I jumped right in, as much to support Hilary as to get access to some cool comics. While I wish there were even more choices for content than there is, I do like the span of offerings and how you can set up your own Daily Comic Feed for the web or for your mobile device (I use an iTouch but I bet the comics look so much better on an iPad).

Here are some things I like about DailyINK:

  • I am directly supporting comic artists like Hilary. More and more newspapers are cutting out comics, so it feels like a good gesture from a loyal reader;
  • I like that the comics are in full color, and not reduced to the black and white of the daily newspaper;
  • I like that I can scroll back through an entire year of archives of my comics, anytime I want;
  • I like that each morning, I have new comics sitting for me to read;
  • I found old favorites (Rhymes with Orange, Zits, Baby Blues) but also discovered some new comics that are not available in newspapers that I get (Arctic Circle, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee, Ollie and Quentin);
  • I like that I can add an array of editorial comics, too, if I want. I haven’t wanted but it is an option;
  • I like that I can miss a few days and get back into the flow of story lines;
  • I can set up my own comics to “follow” but I still have access to everything else.

What I don’t quite like:

  • I wish there were more comics to add and I am hopeful in the future, there will be. There is a long list, but many of the comics on the list are not much interest to me;
  • I wish I had an iPad to read them on (that’s my problem, though, not DailyINK’s).

Peace (in the support),

from Hilary Price’s Rhymes with Orange comic:

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