Slice of Life: The First Comic

Slice of Life 2011I completely missed the boat on this year’s Slice of Life Challenge with Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers. It’s March; It’s Slice of Life. I didn’t make the connection and I must have zoomed past their call for writers in my RSS or something. Thanks to my friend, Bonnie, the Slice of Life is back on my radar but I think I will only do it periodically.

What is Slice of Life? It’s a feature in which folks write about a small part of their day, and then share it out. It could be a little nugget of something that seems larger in reflection. It could be something that happened. It could be a quiet moment. It could be whatever you want it to be.

Join the Slice of Life Challenge at Two Writing Teachers.

So, here’s mine for today:
Rowan's First Comic March2011

I was reading the newspaper yesterday morning, when my youngest son (6 years old) came up and jammed a piece of paper in front of me. He had dug it out of his kindergarten backpack.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“My very first comic,” he answered slowly, proudly, closing his eyes and raising his head for dramatic effect.

I took a  look. Before I could ask, he said, “It’s Star Wars and Batman. See?”

He then went into the whole story behind the picture, which (to be honest) I had a bit of a difficult time following. But I nodded my head, pointed out various elements of the comic and gently encouraged his excitement.

“Great job,” I said, hugging him.

“I know,” he said, walking away, leaving me with the comic.

Peace (in the sharing),

11 thoughts on “Slice of Life: The First Comic

  1. Isn’t it wonderful the confidence your little one has in his ability to create! That is evidence of powerful teaching in his class and home support. How encouraging!

  2. I think that you received a very large gift this am. What a good way to begin the day, & the fact that you captured it in writing is important, too.

  3. I absolutely love this slice. I have been basking in the joys of watching and observing my daughter’s development as writers. I especially enjoyed you capturing the way that he presented his comic to you – my favorite paragraph was the one with the “dramatic effect line”.

  4. Confidence in comics. He is off to a great start as a writer. Wondered where you were Kevin. I enjoy your posts with the comic and technology aspects.

  5. I love that he said it was his very first comic, implying that there are many more to come. He has a plan! Can’t wait to read his first graphic novel when he gets to that point!

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