CodeBits Forking for the #Nerdlution

The other day, I noticed something new over at the CodeAcademy site. Called CodeBits, it is series of small projects that bring to mind the work being done with the Mozilla Foundation with Thimble and other coding projects. With Codebits, you can tinker with code and create/adapt small projects. I took a postcard and revamped it (CodeAcademy calls it “forking,” which is a term used for various programming projects. I think…) for the Nerdlution effort of friends in the midst of our 50 days of some resolution, and I shared out the link on Twitter.

Check out my postcard

The screenshot above shows how the coding is laid out (again, reminds me of Mozilla’s Thimble).

Then, I saw another project that can be forked. While it’s original was a countdown to the New Year, I changed the programming so that it keeps track of the 50 days of the #nerdlution.

Check it out and again, feel free to fork it for yourself.

Peace (in the snow code),

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