Movies On The Page: Internet Archive Remix

My DS106 friend, Paul B, shared a call from the Internet Archive, inviting people to use material from 1927 — now entering the Public Domain — for creative remix for a contest with cash awards. I sent the invite along to two of my sons who are filmmakers and then thought, What about me? (And what about you? See the Internet Archive blog post with all the information)

I dove in and came up with idea of using a 1927 periodical’s front page as a series of movie screens for clips from animated movies from the 1927 collection. I was hoping for something more narrative cohesive, but I ran out of time and patience and technical know-how.

I still like how the project came out, though, with little screens on the page, and clips from the movies showing. And the other entries coming into the contest are pretty cool. Check out the page where the projects are tagged.

Peace (and remix),

One Comment
  1. Hi Kevin. This is really interesting. I love how you’ve embedded video into different sections of a single page.

    Just a few minutes before going into Inoreader to see new blog posts from you and other CLMOOC members I posted a link to a technology blog written by one of my staff members in 2008-09.

    Cool Cash was an effort to motivate our teens and volunteers to dig into sections of the Tutor/Mentor Library to learn what was there. They were rewarded “COOL CASH” points for each blog post they wrote reviewing what they had looked at.

    This blog has links to about a dozen weeks of posts.

    What you’ve done is demonstrate a way students (or adults) could visit a web resource, like the Internet Archive, then create something interesting that shares what they learned, while teaching them a new skill at the same time.

    With so many states restricting what can be taught in schools some people might create competitions that draw kids to web libraries, like my section of Black History links, and encourage them to learn and share what they find, as an effort to draw more learners to those resources.

    Thanks again for providing inspiration.

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