Slice of Life: Phenomenal Woman

My wife and I went to see Ruthie Foster in concert, and it was just her and her guitar on the stage of a music center now using a church. She was magical, singing us blues and soul and gospel through the night.

Today’s poem for Slice of Life captures the wonder we had in watching her perform, and in particular, a moment where she went into a song with no guitar at all — just her, her voice, and us, the audience.

She SingsAnd here is a glimpse of Ruthie in another concert from a few years back. She played this song — a Maya Angelou poem set to music — near the end of the concert and just blew us all away.

Peace (and music),


  1. It really sounds like a magical evening! What a voice! It was just what I needed this morning. Poetry. Music. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Spectacular! I love how she set Phenomenal Woman to music and gave it a tune. I was just having a conversation with a history teacher last week about how students seem to shy away from poetry like it’s the devil, but they don’t realize they are listening to it every time they turn on the radio. Lord have mercy, when she gets to 3:53 and hits that note – – ’bout blew me out of bed this morning as I start the day with reading before getting ready for work. What a way to start the day, with thoughts of a Phenomenal woman…..ohhhhh, phenomenal woman….”that’s me….” Sing it! Thanks for sharing this one today.

  3. What a beautiful tribute. You are the master of saying so much in so few words. I’ll be checking out Ruthie Foster this morning. Thank you!!

  4. Kevin, I love this tribute, especially appropriate this month. Like you, there’s something mesmerizing about only the voice and guitar.

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